MCI bringt internationale Universitäten nach Tirol

More and more universities around the world are placing their trust in the MCI and sending their professors and students to the Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck for one or more weeks to enrich their study programmes with valuable input and to benefit from the MCI's quality, know-how and networking. The universities participating so far include

  • WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
  • University of Vaasa, Finland
  • Seton Hall University, USA
  • Pepperdine University, USA
  • National Kaoshiung University, Taiwan
  • University of Nebraska, USA.

In addition to high-quality lectures, seminars, case studies and training at the MCI, these tailor-made programmes often include excursions to renowned companies in Tyrol and neighbouring regions, thus opening up reciprocal contacts and global networks. Experiencing Tyrol's diverse culture and nature is an additional highlight for the international guests.

With activities like these, the MCI increases its international visibility, strengthens its brand and, last but not least, makes a valuable contribution to strengthening scientific expertise, quality tourism and purchasing power in Innsbruck-Tyrol. The proceeds generated contribute to the financing of research, teaching, start-ups and scholarships, which subsequently benefit the joint location.

Tyrolean Science Provincial Councillor Cornelia Hagele is enthusiastic about the international offerings at the MCI: "This multifaceted programme for partner universities at the MCI once again promotes intercultural exchange and demonstrates the importance of an internationally oriented education in the Tyrol. By promoting international education, we are also strengthening Tyrol's international orientation as a science and business location."

The MCI is also pleased about the worldwide interest in the programmes. Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of MCI International Relations, explains: "The increasing demand for tailor-made short programmes for foreign partner universities is proof of the MCI's growing international reputation and is a pleasing result of the MCI's consistent internationalisation strategy over many years."

"At the MCI, cultural diversity and variety play a major role. Through international exchange we strengthen intercultural competencies, broaden horizons, cultivate international contacts and promote careers. Students from all over the world are enthusiastic about Innsbruck and its many opportunities. They return to their home country as 'ambassadors'," adds Susanne Herzog, Head of MCI Executive Education.

"With our tailor-made offers for other universities, we are adding another building block to the profile of the Entrepreneurial University®, we are increasing our visibility, we are increasing added value and we are strengthening the joint location," MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is pleased to say and concludes confidently: "We definitely see valuable potential here for the future."