#wirsindKitzbühel | Die fünf Erfolgsmuster des Zukunftsbildes

Updated 29.06.2022

Kitzbühel Tourism is taking a completely new approach to strategic destination development. After a comprehensive evaluation of the status quo with over 1,200 respondents, a common vision of the future was developed with the involvement of all those interested in the living space, i.e. locals, secondary locals, entrepreneurs and employees. This provides the framework for the evaluation and implementation of new projects. For the first time, the population decides directly on the future development of tourism.

What is special about the result is that the interests of all were taken into account and tourism development is no longer seen in isolation, but in the context of the entire living space. The resulting five success patterns - Outdoor Active, Culinary Delights, Inspiring Networks, Workation and New Premium - are not a classic marketing measure, but a work assignment that is now being fulfilled in small groups by means of concrete project implementations.

Success pattern Culinary Delights

From the mountain huts to the traditional inns and restaurants in the valley, the award-winning offerings range from down-to-earth home cooking to international haute cuisine. Even in the development of the new image of the future of Kitzbühel, on which around 70 Kitzbühel residents have been working together on a voluntary basis since last year, the theme of cuisine continues to play a major role in shaping the Kitzbühel brand.

In addition to traditional dishes, Kitzbühel surprises with modern interpretations of Tyrolean delicacies as well as international and innovative, young cuisine. Locally, the high-quality culinary expertise of the Gamsstadt can be experienced by all in the form of markets and new event formats. These include, above all, PURA VIDA Kitzbühel in July and August as well as the two culinary concepts in autumn, KITZ Kulinarik and KITZ Kulinarik x Piemont, which Kitzbühel Tourism has developed together with the restaurateurs and the trade.

Objectives Culinary Delights

The Culinary Delights working group is currently evaluating and concretising new ideas and further developing existing formats. The aim is to create a high-quality and, if possible, regional offer.

Working group leader Jürgen Kleinhappl is particularly committed to this area: "The goal is to further develop Kitzbühel in culinary terms. The main focus is on cohesion in the region, with the farmers, with us restaurateurs and hoteliers."

Further steps

At the next joint meeting at the beginning of July, the teams will present their projects to each other. Step 3 will then be the concrete implementation, for which the supervisory board of Kitzbühel Tourism has approved its own start-up budget for the coming years.

Everyone in the living space of Kitzbühel, Reith, Aurach and Jochberg is invited to participate in #wirsindKitzbühel within the framework of the working groups. If you are interested, the team around project leader Bettina Wiedmayr will be happy to provide further information at wirsind@kitzbuehel.com

All information on the branding process #wirsindKitzbühel initiated by Kitzbuehel Tourism can be found at marke.kitzbuehel.com