Two Master's graduates of the MCI | Entrepreneurial School® can look forward to receiving this year's award from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science & Research. Stefan Brida, graduate of the Master's in Entrepreneurship & Tourism, and Lukas Krane, graduate of the Master's in Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering, were honoured for their outstanding academic achievements and Master's theses at the award ceremony in Vienna.

In the course of his master's thesis, MCI graduate Stefan Brida posed the question "Is the holiday hotel industry ready for dynamic pricing?" and researched the perceived fairness of dynamic price management in the hotel industry in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. With the help of empirical surveys of hotel guests, he derived concrete recommendations for action for the successful introduction of dynamic pricing in the holiday hotel industry.

MCI graduate Lukas Krane 's master's thesis is about obtaining chemical raw materials from renewable materials. The special process produces a sought-after starting substance for industry from the carbohydrate base of a plant and could be used in the future, for example, in the production of plastic bottles.

Award of the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research

The Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research's Award of Appreciation, which is financed from funds for the promotion of studies, annually honours the best 55 diploma and master's degrees out of a total of about 16,000 degrees at all Austrian universities and higher education institutions. In the higher education sector, 15 prizes were awarded nationwide this year.