Rector election: Senate makes three-way proposal

Dear students,

in its meeting yesterday, the Senate of the University of Innsbruck decided on a three-way proposal for the successor of Rector Tilmann Märk and forwarded it to the University Council. In its meeting on Thursday, 23 June 2022, the Senate of the University of Innsbruck selected three candidates for the position of Rector of the University of Innsbruck (in alphabetical order):

Hubert Huppertz

Veronika Sexl

Markus Walzl

The Senate's proposal of three candidates is based on the requirements of the Universities Act (international academic experience, knowledge of the Austrian and European university system and the ability to manage a university in organisational and economic terms) and takes into account the requirements contained in the call for applications. The persons listed in the three-person proposal largely correspond to those in the three-person proposal of the Search Commission.The University Council now elects the Rector from the three-person proposal of the Senate within four weeks.

The term of office of the new rectorate begins on 1 March 2023 and lasts four years. A total of 23 applications were received for the position of Rector, 5 female and 18 male. From this group of applicants, 11 candidates were invited last week to present their ideas on the future development of the University to a wider public. In yesterday's meeting, the members of the Senate have now selected the three candidates for the office of Rector.

The Senate of the University of Innsbruck consists of 26 members and is made up of elected representatives of all groups of university staff (professors, mid-level staff, general staff and students).

With best regards,

Anna Fill (AktionsGemeinschaft)Student representative in the Senate of the University of Innsbruck