Newsletter March 2022_02

<< english version below >>>

Dear students,

We hope that the start of your semester went smoothly. The summer weather welcomes the start of a more normal semester and we have prepared some projects and information for you.

We know how many of you are happy about face-to-face teaching and we also agree with all those who would like to see online elements retained.

Our opinion to the rectorate is that both are needed: The possibility of face-to-face teaching and, at the same time, a sufficient range of online offerings such as livestreams and recordings.

You can find our positions on this here:

Your ÖH chairmanship team,
Daniel V. Müller - Lukas Schobesberger - Anna-Maria Weiß


1.) ÖH informs

- ÖH subsidy pot for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments - NEW application!

- ÖH Survey "Housing

- ÖH Counselling Day - MI 2 - 5 p.m

2.) EU Future Dialogue TIROL

3.) Nightline Innsbruck

4.) Talent Night by Werkstätte Wattens


  1. ÖH Informs

- ÖH subsidy pot for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments - NEW application!

We have expanded our subsidy pot for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments!

From now on, everyone and also all those who have already applied for a grant since the start of the pot in September can apply again. A total of 10 therapy units can now be funded with 50 euros each. If the therapy is carried out in supervision, even 14 therapy units at 40 euros each can be funded.

Applications must be submitted by 30 April 2022 at the latest.

Take advantage of this opportunity and get help if you are not feeling well and don't know how to get on on your own.


- ÖH survey "Housing

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit us all. Online teaching, lockdown, Corona measures - these are just some of the terms we have had to hear every day for the past 2 years ..

... but has Corona also affected your housing situation and housing satisfaction?

We are currently investigating this exciting question together with Florian Schwaiger in a short survey (max. 4 minutes, no open questions).

10 x 20 Euro Amazon vouchers will be raffled among all participants! Simply enter your email address at the end of the survey.


- ÖH Counselling Day - MI 2 - 5 pm

Need help? - We are here for you!

Come to the ÖH office every Wednesday from 14:00 - 17:00 and talk directly to your ÖH team!

Our services:


  1. EU Dialogue on the Future TIROL

The world is changing. The EU is changing. The future needs us.

Talk to us.

Help shape it.

At the EU Dialogue on the Future Tyrol.

More than an online event!

Climate change and the environment | Food and agriculture | Mobility | Digital change | Health and social affairs | Democracy and co-design | Cooperation between municipalities, the federal government, the state and the EU | Quality of life and housing | Culture | The EU here and us in the world.

What is needed for the European future in your region?

The Tyrolean Parliament invites you to an online dialogue:

  • 29.03. 7 p.m. | Focus on the region of East Tyrol | Registration until 28.03.
  • 04.04. 7 p.m. | Focus Region Oberland | Registration until 03.04.
  • 05.04. 7 p.m. | Focus Region Außerfern | Registration until 04.04.
  • 06.04. 7 p.m. | Focus Region Unterland | Registration until 05.04.

All registration details can be found here:


  1. Nightline Innsbruck

We are also back from our semester break nap and are there for you again as usual! During the lecture period we are available for you Monday-Friday from 20:00 to 24:00 on +436607549485 as well as in the chat As a student listening phone with chat, we offer you an open ear in an unprejudiced and anonymous setting for all topics - from loneliness, difficulty finding friends, flat-sharing stress to personal problems.

You can find more information about us and our activities on Instagram (@nightline.innsbruck), Facebook or our website.

We love to listen to you!


  1. Talent Night by Werkstätte Wattens20. April 2022 (17.00 - 22.00)

Are you open to a new professional challenge and would rather be found than go searching yourself?

Be part of the TALENT NIGHT by Werkstätte Wattens on 20 April 2022 (17.00 - 22.00) and leave a mark that will last! Flat hierarchies, diverse tasks, steep learning curves and excellent opportunities for advancement: Numerous local companies will offer exciting insights into their "daily hustle", talk from the inside and present potential jobs to be.

Be part of the party, let yourself be wooed & grab your job in a young company!

<< english version >>

Dear students!

We hope you had a good start to the new semester. The warm weather arrived on time for the start of an again rather normal semester and we prepared some projects and information for you.

We know that many of you are happy about the presence teaching and we also agree to those of you who would like to keep some virtual elements.

Toward the rectorate, we are of the opinion that both is needed: The possibility of presence teaching and at the same time sufficient virtual offers such as livestreams and recordings.

Our position regarding this subject can be found here:

Your head of the ÖH,
Daniel V. Müller - Lukas Schobesberger - Anna-Maria Weiß

1.) ÖH Informs

- ÖH Subsidies for Psychotherapy and Clinical-Psychological Treatment - NEW Application!

- ÖH Survey "Housing

- ÖH Consulting Day - WED 2 - 5 pm

2.) EU Future Dialogue TIROL

3.) Nightline Innsbruck

4.) Talent Night by Werkstätte Wattens


1.) ÖH Informs

- ÖH Subsidies for Psychotherapy and Clinical-Psychological Treatment - NEW Application!

We expanded our subsidies for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatment!!!

From now on, everyone can again file an application, including students who already applied for a subsidy since September. A total of 10 therapy sessions per person can now be supported with EUR 50 each. If the therapy is attended in supervision, even 14 therapy sessions can be supported with EUR 40 each.

Applications can be submitted until April 30, 2022.

Use the opportunity and get help when you are not feeling well and you don't know how to keep going on your own.


- ÖH Survey "Housing

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all. Virtual teaching, lockdown, covid regulations - those are only a few of the terms we have to listen to every day for two years..

... but has covid also affected your housing situation and your housing satisfaction?

Currently, we and Florian Schwaiger investigate these interesting questions in a short survey (max 4 minutes, no open questions).

Among all participants we give away 10x 20 Euro Amazon gift cards! You only have to enter your email address at the end of the survey.


- ÖH Consulting Day - WED 2 - 5 pm

Do you need any support? - We are here for you!

Come to the ÖH Office on Wednesday from 2 to 5 pm and talk directly to the ÖH team!

Our services:


2.) EU Future Dialogue TYROL

The world changes. EU changes. The future needs us. Have a say. Shape. At the EU Future Dialogue Tyrol. More than a virtual event!

Climate Change and Environment | Food and Agriculture | Mobility | Digital Change | Health and Social Affairs | Democracy and Participation | Cooperation between Municipality, Federation, State and EU | Quality of Life and Housing | Culture | EU with us and us in the world.

What does it take for a European future in your region?

The Tyrol State Parliament invites you to the virtual dialogue:

  • March 29, 7 pm | Focus East Tyrol Region | Registration until March 28 - April 4, 7 pm | Focus Oberland Region | Registration until April 3 - April 5, 7 pm | Focus Außerfern Region | Registration until April 4 - April 6, 7 pm | Focus Unterland Region | Registration until April 5

Further details concerning the registration can be found on


3.) Nightline Innsbruck

We are also back from our semester break and are again here for you as usual! During the lecture period, you can reach us from Monday to Friday from 8 pm to Midnight at +436607549485 and via chat As a listening support service run by students for students with chat, we offer you a sympathetic ear in an unbiased and anonymous surrounding for all types of problems - no matter if you feel lonely, have trouble finding friends, have issues with your roommates or have personal problems.

Further information about us and our activities can be found on Instagram (@nightline.innsbruck), Facebook or on our website.

We love listening to you!


4.) Talent Night by Werkstätte Wattens

April 20, 2022 (5 pm - 10 pm)

You are open to a new professional challenge and you prefer being found rather than looking yourself? Be part of the TALENT NIGHT by Werkstätte Wattens on April 20, 2022 (5 pm - 10 pm) and leave traces that stay in mind! Flat hierarchies, varied tasks, steep learning curves and excellent career prospects: Numerous companies will give an interesting insight into their "daily hustle", speak openly and present potential jobs to be.

Be in on it, let yourself be wooed & grab yourself a job in a start-up!


Daniel V. Müller, Lukas Schobesberger, Anna-Maria Weiß
Chairmanship Team of the
Student Union of the University of Innsbruck
at the University of Innsbruck