Newsletter February 2022

<< english version below >>>

Dear students,

we wish all those who have already finished their exams a nice lecture-free time and all those who still have exams ahead of them good luck and perseverance for their preparation.

Daniel V. Müller - Lukas Schobesberger - Anna-Maria Weiß

We have again compiled some exciting information for you.


1. ÖH Informs
- ÖH Survey
- ÖH Vaccination Lottery
- Public relations officer wanted!
- ÖH Online Panel Discussion "Accessibility
2. Aurora - Europe-wide course offers


1. ÖH Informs

- ÖH Survey

Take part in our survey now:
Duration: 3-4 minutes
Raffle: 5 experience cards, which will be drawn at random among the participants.


- ÖH Vaccination Lottery

This semester, a vaccination rate of over 85% was achieved among us students.

We would like to thank all students for this high level of personal responsibility and commitment and are launching a vaccination lottery with useful prizes for your student life!

Take part now:

The following prizes can be won:
3x climate tickets
3x AquaDome vouchers with overnight stay for 2 persons + entrance fee
20x Erlebniscard Tirol
10x WIFI education voucher
10x Spikeball set
10x Uni Shop Merch voucher
15x Studia voucher
15x Mensa voucher
14x ÖH Goodie Packs (with shirt, bottle, etc.)


- Public relations officer wanted!

We are looking for a public relations officer!

Please find all information in the following link and apply until 14.02-2022 if you are interested in this voluntary work.


- ÖH Online Panel Discussion: Accessibility

The Department for Students with Disabilities of the ÖH Innsbruck is organising an online panel discussion on the topic of accessibility.

We are looking forward to an interesting discussion with Bettina Jeschke, the representative for students with disabilities at the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Hansjörg Hofer, the advocate for students with disabilities of the Republic of Austria, Vice-Rector Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh, Dr. Liane Kaufmann, who is currently setting up a new service point for students with ADHD, autism and learning disorders, as well as Dr. Christian Schöpf, head of the psychological student counselling centre at the Innsbruck campus.

A short introduction with impulse presentations by the participants and a subsequent discussion with the opportunity to ask questions is planned. The event will be accompanied by sign language interpreters.

What: Online panel discussion on accessibility
When: 16.2.2022 at 2.00 p.m
Link to the event:


2. Aurora - Europe-wide course offers

Try something new: Current course offers of the Aurora Universities.

As part of the Aurora European Universities Alliance, students of the University of Innsbruck benefit from additional courses offered by our partner universities all over Europe - from Iceland to the Netherlands to Spain.

You can find the current Aurora courses and opportunities for the summer semester 2022 on the Aurora Innsbruck page or sign up for the Aurora newsletter to receive regular information

Complete list of Aurora courses:

<< english version >>>

Dear students!

We wish everyone who has already finished their exams a nice lecture-free period and everyone who still has to write some exams good luck and endurance for the preparation.

Daniel V. Müller - Lukas Schobesberger - Anna-Maria Weiß

We again gathered some interesting information for you.


1. ÖH informs
- ÖH survey
- ÖH vaccination lottery
- We are looking for a head of public relations!
- ÖH virtual panel discussion "Accessibility
2. Aurora - Courses throughout Europe


1.ÖH informs

- ÖH survey

Participate in our survey now:
Length: 3-4 minutes
Giveaway: 5 experience cards; winners will be selected at random.


- ÖH vaccination lottery

This semester we reached a vaccination rate of more than 85% among us students.

We want to thank all students for this high amount of own responsibility and commitment and we therefore start a vaccination lottery with useful prices for your student life!

Participate now:

You can win the following prices:
3x Climate ticket
3x AquaDome voucher with overnight stay for 2 people + admission
20x Erlebniscard Tirol
10x WIFI education voucher
10x Spikeball set
10x Uni Shop merch voucher
15x Studia voucher
15x Mensa voucher
14x ÖH Goodie Package (with shirt, bottle, etc.)


- We are looking for a head of public relations!

We are currently looking for a head of public relations as of now!

Please take all information from the following link and send your application until February 14, 2022 if you are motivated to follow this occupation on a voluntary basis.


- ÖH virtual panel discussion - Accessibility

The study & inclusion office of the ÖH Innsbruck organizes a virtual panel discussion about accessibility.

We look forward to an interesting discussion with Mag. Bettina Jeschke as representative for disabled at the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Hansjörg Hofer, Disability Ombudsman of the Republic of Austria, Vice-Rector Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh, Dr. Liane Kaufmann who is currently building up a new advice service for students with ADHD, autism and learning disabilities, as well as Dr. Christian Schöpf as head of the Psychological Counseling Center in Innsbruck among others.

A short introduction with keynote speeches held by the participants and a subsequent discussion with the possibility to ask questions are planned. The event will be interpreted by sign language interpreters.

What: virtual panel discussion
When: February 16, 2022 at 14:00
Link to the event:


2. Aurora - Courses throughout Europe

Try out something new: Current course offerings of Aurora Universities.

As part of the Aurora European Universities Alliance, students at the University of Innsbruck benefit from the additional offerings of our partner universities all over Europe - from Iceland to the Netherlands and to Spain.

You can find the current Aurora courses and the possibilities for the summer semester 2022 on the website of Aurora Innsbruck or you can sign up for the Aurora newsletter to receive information regularly

Full list of Aurora courses:


Daniel V. Müller, Lukas Schobesberger, Anna-Maria Weiß
Presidency of the Student Union of the University of Innsbruck
at the University of Innsbruck
Josef-Hirn-Str. 7
A-6020 Innsbruck