Newsletter December 02

<< english version below >>>

Dear students,

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the well-deserved relaxation from the stressful everyday life at university during the winter semester. We wish you a happy new year and every success with everything you have planned for 2023!

Your ÖH chair team, Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias L. Lung

1.) ÖH informs

- ÖH subsidies for psychotherapy and clinical psychological treatment: Read the guidelines and applications carefully! - ÖH Workshop: Sign Language

2.) Nightline Innsbruck3.) Veganuary


- ÖH subsidies for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments: Read the guidelines and applications carefully!

Our subsidy pot for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments is very popular with you! We are very happy to be able to help!Nevertheless, we would like to ask you to READ the GUIDELINES and the APPLICATION FORM CAREFULLY!Our Social Department processes your applications on a voluntary basis and you would be very helpful to your fellow students in the Department if you made sure that the applications are completed in full and that all the necessary documents are included.Thank you!For the grant:

- ÖH Workshop: Sign Language

You are cordially invited to a special workshop! The workshop is divided into a first part, in which interesting background information about sign language will be given, and a second part, in which some central signs will be taught. The workshop is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register at the ÖH secretariat (in person or via email with name, email and matriculation number). There are 30 places in total. The event will take place in person.

Date: 12.1.2023Time: 17.00 - 19.00 Location: Geiwi Tower (the exact room will be announced to all those who have registered at the secretariat shortly before the event)


2. Nightline InnsbruckAs a student listening phone with chat, we are of course also there for you during the exam period. With us you will find a sympathetic ear for all your problems, no matter if it's about university, stress in your flat-share or if you just want to talk things out.We are available for you during the lecture period Monday to Friday from 20:00 to 24:00 at +436607549485 as well as in the chat can find more information about us and our actions on Instagram(@nightline.innsbruck) and Facebook.We are happy to be there for you! <3


3. VeganuaryWhy not start the new year with a resolution that is good for the environment, animals and your health? Veganuary is an international campaign that encourages people to try a vegan diet in January. You too can join in and register for the newsletter at the following link( In Tyrol, the "Aktionsbündnis Vegan Tirol" (Vegan Tyrol Action Alliance) is organising a colourful programme to help you get started. From brunch to a lecture evening, everything is on offer. Find out more on the website( on Instagram( or Facebook(

<< english version >>

Dear Students,

We wish you happy holidays and good relaxation from the stressful winter semester. We'll see, hear and read each other in the new year - Happy New Year!

Your ÖH chair,Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias L. Lung

1.) ÖH informs

- ÖH subsidy pot for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments: Read the guidelines and applications carefully!- ÖH workshop: sign language

2.) Nightline Innsbruck3.) Veganuary


- ÖH subsidy for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments: Read the guidelines and applications carefully!

Our subsidy for psychotherapy and clinical-psychological treatments is very popular with you! We are very happy that we can help!However, we would like to urge you to READ the GUIDELINES and the APPLICATION CAREFULLY!Our social department processes your applications and you would help your fellow students in the department a lot if you made sure that the applications were filled out completely and that all the necessary documents were sent along.Thanks!About the subsidy:

- ÖH workshop: sign language

You are cordially invited to a special workshop! The workshop is divided into a first part, in which interesting background information on the subject of sign language is dealt with, and a second part, in which some signs are taught. The workshop is free of charge, but we ask that you register with the ÖH secretariat (in person or via email with your name, email address and matriculation number). There are 30 places in total. The event takes place in person.

Date: 1/12/2023Time: 5 p.m. - 7 p.mLocation: Geiwi Tower (the exact room will be announced shortly before the event to all those who have registered in the secretariat)


2. Nightline InnsbruckAs a help line with chat function, we are also there for you during the exam phase. With us you will find an open ear for all problems, whether it's university, stress in the flat share or if you just want to talk yourself out.During the lecture period, you can reach us Monday to Friday from 8 p.m. to midnight on +436607549485 and in the chat can find more information about us and our campaigns on Instagram(@nightline.innsbruck) and Facebook.We are happy to be there for you! <3


3. VeganuaryJoin the Veganuary!Why not start the new year with a resolution that is good for the environment, animals and your health? The Veganuary is an international campaign calling on people to try a vegan diet in January. You too can take part and register for the newsletter using the following link( This will provide you with information, recipes and tips every day in January.In Tyrol, the 'Action Alliance Vegan Tyrol' organizes a colorful supporting program that makes it easier for you to get started. From brunch to a lecture evening, everything is included. Find out more on the website( on Instagram( or Facebook(

----------------------Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias LungChair team of the University of Innsbruck Student Union