Newsletter December 01

<< english version below >>>

Dear students,

This week there was a change in the ÖH chairmanship team. From now on you will be represented by Anna Fill (AG) as the new ÖH chairperson. Lukas Schobesberger (JUNOS) remains in office as first deputy. We have a wealth of cool offers, events and services for you!

Your new ÖH chair team, Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias Lung

1.) ÖH informs- ÖH x Dachsbau: DJ & Music Producing Workshops- ÖH lecture: 'Just into the bin?'- Studia2.) Learning Circle3.) Competition on the South Tyrolean economy4.) Lecture TLP: Psyche Kompakt5.) Project Access Austria


- ÖH x Dachsbau: DJ & Music Producing Workshops

DJ Workshops | Beginner & Advanced

Music is just your thing and you always wanted to know what it takes to become the next deadmau5? Together with Club Dachsbau, we are offering DJ workshops for beginners and advanced DJs for all students this semester. The professionals from the Dachsbau will teach you everything from basic knowledge, beatmatching and technique to scratch basics in the two-and-a-half-hour workshop to make your start in DJ life easier. You already took part in the workshop last semester? No problem, for all those who already have some experience, there will be advanced courses for the first time this semester. If you feel addressed, feel free to register for one of our 4 workshops. It pays to be quick, because in order to be able to offer all participants a good learning environment, the workshops are each reduced to 15 participants. Registration costs 15 Euros and takes place via the Dachsbau Online Shop ->


You've always been interested in how songs are produced and you finally want to build your own beats? Together with Club Dachsbau we are offering producing workshops this semester. Whether you want to record your own sound or create it on the drum computer, this workshop will show you how to get started in the world of sampling, slicing, arranging, mixing and mastering. We will give you an insight into how a piece of music can be created from an empty project file. After a short theoretical unit, all participants are allowed to try their hand at two different producing software (Ableton and FL Studio). This will give you a great introduction to the world of producing and then you can finally get started. If you feel addressed, please register for the workshop. It pays to be quick, because in order to be able to offer all participants a good learning environment, this one-time workshop is reduced to 15 participants. Registration costs 15 euros and takes place via the Dachsbau Online Shop ->


- ÖH Lecture: 'Just put it in the bin?

Lecture & Q&A session on correct waste separation with Johannes Wildner, IKB

Why is it important as a student to separate waste correctly and how can you save money by doing so? In our fast-moving consumer society it is important to deal with our waste correctly. These are essential resources that should be kept in a cycle for as long as possible. That's why, together with the Green Office, we have invited Johannes Wildner from IKB to talk to you.

Regardless of whether you have already dealt with the topic of waste separation in detail or not: you never stop learning! After the lecture, Johannes will be happy to answer your questions.

WHEN: 7.12.22 at 5 p.mWHERE: Lecture Hall 1, SOWI


- Studia

For all those on short noticeEvery year it's the're too late to buy presents for Christmas. Why not buy something special this year? At the Studia branch on the Innrain (bookshop on the Innrain 52f) you can choose from various small gift ideas. Maybe a hoody with the Serles on it, a special coffee mug with a calendar or a ski touring guide for Tyrol? Studia has just the right thing for those who make up their minds at the last minute. And if you can't find what you're looking for, remember that you can also buy vouchers and give them as gifts. By the way, Studia also accepts the new Inn-Taler, which is the successor to the Altstadt coins. So you can't go wrong and are sure to find the right thing! And after shopping, the quiet Christmas days can finally begin..

Where?Studia bookshop InnrainInnrain 52f+43 512 58 2775innrain@studia.atMontag- Thursday 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Saturday 8.30 a.m. to 12 a.m


2. Learning Circle

We want you to change the world with us.As a Learning Coach at Learning Circle, you will guide 4 students online in all things learning and life. It's about more than just improving grades - it's about helping kids shape their futures.This is THE SIDE JOB WITH A SENSE.If you want to join us, or need more info, visit us at: Deadline is 15.09.!


3. Competition on the South Tyrolean Economy

The competition "Bachelor's and Master's theses on the South Tyrolean economy" of the WIFO - Institute for Economic Research of the Chamber of Commerce in Bolzano goes into the next round: The three best research concepts (exposés) will again be awarded 1,500 euros each.Applications for the winter semester can be submitted from 1 December 2022 to 31 January 2023.Note: The thesis must not have been completed at the time of application. The documents can be submitted in German, Italian or English.All conditions of entry and the entry form for the competition can be found at:

saremmo lieti se potreste informare gli studenti e le studentesse in merito al seguente concorso:Riparte il concorso "Tesi di laurea triennale e magistrale sull'economia altoatesina" dell'IRE - Istituto di ricerca economica della Camera di commercio di Bolzano: i tre migliori concetti di ricerca (relazioni) otterranno di nuovo un premio di 1.500 euro ciascuno.È possibile iscriversi al concorso dal 1 dicembre 2022 al 31 gennaio 2023 (per il semestre invernale).NB: La tesi non deve essere stata completata al momento dell'iscrizione. I documenti possono essere presentati in tedesco, italiano o inglese.Per i requisiti di partecipazione e il modulo di partecipazione si rimanda a:


4. Lecture TLP: Psyche Compact

"Pathological jealousy - When jealousy becomes too strong "Dr. Harald OberbauerSpecialist in psychiatry and neurologyWednesday, 7.12.2022 at 7.30 pmLocation: HS 5, GEIWI Tower, Ground Floor, Innrain 52e, 6020 Innsbruck


5. Project Access Austria

Your application to a top international universityProject Access Austria is organising a webinar on postgraduate studies (Master, PhD) abroad on 13 December at 18:00. Students from London, Oxford & Co. will give you an overview of the application process in the UK, USA and continental Europe and answer your questions. Registration at Access Austria supports students on their way to their desired studies abroad. Their vision: A world where only potential and passion determine our future. For more events, especially the comprehensive free application bootcamp in summer, it is worth following Project Access Austria on social media.

<< english version >>

Dear Students,

This week there was a change in the ÖH chair.From now on you will be represented by Anna Fill (AG) as the new ÖH chairwoman. Lukas Schobesberger (JUNOS) will remain in office as the first vice chairman. The second chairman is Matthias Lung (AG).We have a wealth of cool offers, events and services for you!

Your new ÖH chair,Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias Lung

1.) ÖH informs- ÖH x Dachsbau: DJ & Music Producing Workshops- ÖH lecture: 'Just throw it in the bin?'- Studia2.) Learning Circle3.) Competition for the South Tyrolean economy4.) Lecture TLP: Psyche Compact5.) Project Access Austria


- ÖH x Dachsbau: DJ & Music Producing Workshops

DJ Workshop | Beginners & advanced

Music is your thing and you always wanted to know what it takes to become an artist? Together with the Club Dachsbau we offer DJ workshops for beginners and advanced for all students this semester. The professionals from the Dachsbau will teach you everything in the two and a half hour workshop, from basic knowledge, beat matching, technique to scratch basics, to make it easier for you to get your DJ life started. Did you already take part in the workshop last semester? No problem, for all those who already have some experience, there are also advanced courses for the first time this semester. If you feel addressed, please register for one of our 4 workshops. Being quick is worth it, because in order to be able to offer all participants a good learning environment, the workshops are reduced to 15 participants each. Registration costs EUR 15 and takes place via the Dachsbau Online Shop ->


Have you always been interested in how songs are produced and you finally want to build your own beats? Together with the Club Dachsbau we are offering producing workshops this semester. Regardless of whether you want to record your own sound or create it on the drum machine, this workshop will show you how to get started with the world of sampling, slicing, arranging, mixing and mastering. We give you an insight into how a piece of music can be created from an empty project file. After a small theoretical unit, all participants are allowed to use two different producing softwares (Ableton and FL Studio). So you get a great introduction to the world of producing and can finally get started afterwards. If you feel addressed, please register for the workshop. Being quick is worth it, because in order to be able to offer all participants a good learning environment, this one-off workshop is reduced to 15 participants. Registration costs EUR 15 and takes place via the Dachsbau O!nline Shop ->


- ÖH lecture: 'Just throw it in the bin?'

Lecture and Q&A-session on correct waste separation with Johannes Wildner, IKB

Why is it important as a student to separate waste properly and how do you save money by doing so?In our fast-moving consumer society, it is important to deal with our waste properly. These are essential resources that should be kept in a cycle for as long as possible. That's why, together with the Green Office, we have invited Johannes Wildner from IKB for you.

Regardless of whether you have already dealt with the topic of waste separation in more detail or not: you never stop learning! After the lecture, Johannes will be happy to answer your questions.

WHEN: 12/7/22 at 5 p.mWHERE: Lecture Hall 1, SOWI


- Studia

For all last-minute're late for Christmas presents? Why not get something special this year? In the Studia bookstore at Innrain 52f you can choose from various small gift ideas. Maybe a hoody with the Serles on it, a special coffee mug with a calendar or a ski tour guide for Tyrol? The Studia has just the right thing for everyone who decides on the spur of the moment. And if there is nothing on site, then remember that you can also buy vouchers and give them away. Incidentally, the Studia also accepts the new Innthalers, which are the successors of the old town coins. So you can't go wrong and you're sure to find the right one! And after shopping, the quiet Christmas days can finally begin..

Where?Studia Bookstore InnrainInner 52f+43 512 58 2775innrain@studia.atMonday- Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.mFriday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.mSaturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m


2. Learning Circle

We want you to change the world with us.As a learning coach at the Learning Circle, you will accompany 4 students online in all things learning and living. It's about more than just improving grades - it's about helping children create their future.This is THE SIDE JOB WITH MEANING.If you want to be there or need more information, visit us at: The deadline is September 15th!


3. Competition for the South Tyrolean economy

The competition 'Bachelor's and Master's theses on the South Tyrolean economy' of the WIFO - Institute for Economic Research of the Bozen Chamber of Commerce is entering the next round: the three best research concepts (exposés) will again be awarded 1,500 euros each.Registrations for the winter semester can be submitted from December 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023.Note: The thesis must not have been completed at the time of application. The documents can be submitted in German, Italian or English.All conditions of participation and the participation form for the competition can be found at:


4. Lecture TLP: Psyche Compact

'Pathological Jealousy - When Jealousy Gets Too Strong'dr Harold OberbauerSpecialist in Psychiatry and NeurologyWednesday, December 7th, 2022 at 7.30 p.mLocation: HS 5, GEIWI Tower, ground floor, Innrain 52e, 6020 Innsbruck


5. Project Access Austria

Your application to a top international universityProject Access Austria is hosting a webinar on postgraduate studies (Master, PhD) abroad on December 13 at 6:00 p.m.. Here you will get an overview of the application process in the UK, USA and continental Europe from students from London, Oxford & Co. and answers to your questions. Registration at Access Austria supports students on their way to studying abroad. Her vision: A world in which only potential and passion determine our future. For other events, especially the comprehensive free application bootcamp in summer, it is worth following Project Access Austria on social media.

----------------------Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias LungChair team of the University Student Union