Museum of Tyrolean Farms opens its doors

Updated 28.03.2022

After the winter break, the Kramsach open-air museum reopens on 10 April. Sunday craft demonstrations, a new family programme and smaller events are on the museum programme. The Kirchtag is cancelled again this year

Kramsach - As every year, the 14 original farmhouses and outbuildings will be awakened from their winter sleep on Palm Sunday. This year, visitors can look forward to Sunday craft demonstrations, music in the courtyards, events and a new family programme. The Kirchtag, however, will not take place. The planning uncertainty is too great for the organisers. "After much deliberation, we have decided to cancel the Kirchtag again this year. For an association like ours, it is impossible to organise an event of this size without planning certainty," explains Thomas Bertagnolli, the museum's curator. For this reason, the museum management is relying on smaller events, such as the "Medieval Day" on 29 May and the "Folk Music Day" on 3 July. "Both events are designed to be easily manageable - even with last-minute changes and new requirements," says the custodian. A new addition is a family day, which is to be held in cooperation with the childcare workers from the Alpbachtal Tourism Association. Every Friday in July and August, the "Juppi Family Programme" will be held in the museum grounds. The programme is expressly aimed at the whole family, as parents and children alike are to experience a day together in the great outdoors.

The start of the season on Palm Sunday is celebrated with crafts. Karl Eller will bake Easter pastries and bread in a stone oven according to old recipes. Angelika Leoni will demonstrate how to create imaginative arrangements from dried flowers. On Easter Monday, colourful Easter eggs for children will be hidden throughout the museum grounds. Three herb tours in spring, summer and autumn are a special feature. Starting on 8 May, herbal experts Helga Rinnergschwentner and Hans Moser will explain the use and healing effects of herbs. And every Sunday, old crafts are presented in the farms. The Museum of Tyrolean Farms is then open again daily until 31 October. All information at