MCI unterzeichnet Kooperation mit Novartis/Sandoz

MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® is pleased to announce another outstanding corporate partner: The international biopharmaceutical company Novartis/Sandoz will in future support MCI students of the Bachelor's degree in "Bio- & Food Technology" and the Master's degree in "Biotechnology" with relevant and practical expertise in courses, projects and work placements and integrate them at an early stage in operational processes of the innovative pharmaceutical company.

The recently signed cooperation agreement with Novartis/Sandoz offers students of the MCI Bachelor's degree programme "Bio- & Food Technology" the opportunity to apply for the attractive cooperation positions of the globally active group at the end of the third semester. There, the selected students do their professional internship during the lecture-free period between the fourth and fifth semesters and write their Bachelor's thesis on exciting company-specific topics in the sixth semester. The cooperation is similar for the students of the MCI Master's programme "Biotechnology": They can already apply for cooperation positions at the end of the first semester to work at Novartis/Sandoz during the lecture-free periods and then write their Master's thesis there.

In addition, experts from Novartis/Sandoz provide support in courses and guest lectures at the MCI and offer excursions for students to the Kundl and Schaftenau plants. Prof. Christoph Griesbeck, head of the Department of Bio- & Food Technology, is delighted: "I am very pleased that our many years of good cooperation at the content level has now resulted in an official collaboration and is thus being intensified even further. This great signal also means a strengthening for the life science location Tyrol."

Mario Riesner, Head Large Molecules & Injectables Platform at Sandoz Technical Operations and MCI alumnus, adds: "I studied at the MCI myself and know about the quality of teaching at the Entrepreneurial School®. Against this background, I am all the more pleased about the new cooperation, and I am convinced that everyone will benefit from it - the students through practical expertise and Novartis/Sandoz through scientific impulses. For me, this is a perfect combination