MCI Teaching Award 2020/21

"Excellent teaching is an essential and immutable building block for the quality of a university", is the claim of the Entrepreneurial University® regarding teaching. In recognition of their excellent teaching performance, three MCI professors received the MCI Teaching Award again this year. The award is based on the students' course evaluations.

Dr. techn. Franz-Josef Falkner and Thomas Hausberger BSc, MSc. who both teach in the degree programs Mechatronics, Innovaton & Design and Mechatronics & Smart Technologies and Mag. Dr. Emil Chamson, who teaches as a language lecturer in several technical departments, received the MCI Teaching Award 2020/21.

"On the one hand, the success factors of good teaching are based on subject expertise and good didactics and methodology, but the human factor in the learning process and the ability to inspire and motivate students is also immensely important," Claudia Mössenlechner, Deputy Head of the University College, explains the background to the award.

The students particularly emphasised the very good structuring and the comprehensible and transparent presentation of the contents in all award winners. Praise was also given for the very committed teaching style, personal dedication and the ability to generate enthusiasm for the subject in question.

MCI Teaching Award

The Teaching Award was established in 2015 by the MCI's University Council to highlight outstanding achievements in teaching. The award is presented annually to the three best-rated teachers on the basis of course evaluations by students.