MCI Professuren an Bernhard Hollaus & Pascal Schöttle

In recognition of their outstanding achievements in research and teaching and exemplary contributions to the further development of the Entrepreneurial University®, the MCI recently awarded professorships to Pascal Schöttle, Digital Business & Software Engineering, and Bernhard Hollaus, Medical & Health Technologies.

Prof. Dr. Pascal Schöttle

Pascal Schöttle's great passions are mathematics, computer science and IT security. All three have accompanied his academic career since his bachelor's degree. After successfully completing his PhD at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Germany, Pascal came to Innsbruck in 2015 and spent three years as a post-doc in the Privacy and Security Lab at the University of Innsbruck.

Since October 2018, Pascal has been teaching and researching at MCI and playing a key role in shaping the Digital Business & Software Engineering (DiBSE) degree programme. In his courses, he teaches his students complex content such as logic, mathematics, algorithms & data structures and the basics of machine learning with a great deal of commitment, practical relevance and knowledge. "At the DiBSE and MCiT Department, I have the opportunity to do what I enjoy a lot in teaching and research. And I do it every day."

Besides teaching, research is also an important part of his work. Here, thanks to two large research projects, Pascal has the opportunity to shed theoretical and practical light on the security of machine learning together with a total of four doctoral students. Pascal also presented this topic area in his inaugural lecture entitled "The Safety of Supposedly Intelligent Machines".

Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD.

in 2008, Bernhard Hollaus began his academic career with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics at the FH Technikum Wien, where a Master's degree in Industrial Electronics followed. After graduating, Bernhard Hollaus worked as a technical developer, measurement engineer, analyst and project manager both on a freelance basis and in companies such as Artesyn Austria and Siemens AG before his path led him to the MCI in 2013. In addition to his work at the MCI, Bernhard Hollaus pursued doctoral studies in sports science at the University of Innsbruck, which he completed with distinction in 2021.

His teaching, research and numerous publications are dedicated to sports technology, a large part of which is catch detection in American football. In his academic and professional career so far, he can look back on the Higher Degree Research Student Prize of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA), among others, as well as collaborations with renowned partners such as the Innsbruck Olympic Centre, Rodel Austria, xdouble and Zanier. Away from teaching and research, he is also the managing director of his family business Auto Hollaus.

At MCI, Bernhard is part of the Department of Medical & Health Technologies: "The faculty, students, partners in business and also the international cooperations make you enjoy working. In short, it's fun to be at the MCI