MCI: Erneut weltweite Akkreditierung als Top Business School

There is great joy at the Entrepreneurial School®: The responsible committees of the accreditation agency based in Tampa/Florida have decided to re-accredit the MCI as a First Class Business School . The founding members of the AACSB, which was founded in 1916, include renowned universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Yale, Chicago and Berkeley.

Following the MCI's initial accreditation in 2016, the university recently underwent re-accreditation, which involved a review process with a special focus on teaching, research, innovation, business start-ups, students' career prospects and the university's impact on business and society.

It is particularly pleasing that the re-accreditation was again granted without any conditions and for the maximum permissible period of five years, and that the MCI is also seen as particularly exemplary in several points: Entrepreneurship & Start-ups, high internationality, committed team in research and teaching, intensive networking with the business community and great career prospects for alumni. As a result, the MCI is among only about 5% of all business universities and business schools worldwide that are allowed to bear this prestigious award.

The renewed award of international AACSB accreditation is the result of comprehensive quality efforts and fits in with ongoing top results in surveys, accreditations and rankings that the Entrepreneurial School® has been achieving with great regularity for many years.


Innsbruck's mayor Georg Willi is delighted: "The re-accreditation as a Top Business School is proof of the MCI's worldwide reputation and the high quality of its research and teaching. I congratulate the MCI on this renewed award, which further strengthens Innsbruck as a location for science and higher education."

"The higher education landscape in Tyrol enjoys an international reputation - this is partly thanks to the MCI, where a great team in research, teaching and administration works tirelessly to constantly develop and always respond to the latest developments. I am delighted that the MCI now continues to be accredited as a First Class Business School - truly deserved," says Annette Leja, Regional Minister for Science & Research in Tyrol.

Oswald Wolkenstein, Chairman of the MCI Supervisory Board, is delighted: "With the MCI, Austria has an Entrepreneurial School® that lives up to its name and aspirations. It stands for performance, innovation and competitiveness and also regularly achieves top performance itself. I would like to thank the dedicated team around Rector Andreas Altmann for the many years of successful development work and I am convinced that the path we have taken will continue to move forward."

Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector, is proud: "Who would have imagined 25 years ago what can come out of an idea if it is pursued consistently enough? 3.500 students, 15,000 alumni, 400 full-time staff and 1,000 external lecturers from all over the world and, above all, an incredible energy that is reflected in new research results, innovative solutions, successful careers and ongoing awards every day. Big thanks to all those who give the MCI their trust and support every day!"