Once again, MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® in Innsbruck has great news to report: Once again, the renowned "U-Multirank", initiated by the European Commission, lists the MCI as a top performer among the numerous participating universities and colleges. With 16 top ratings, the Entrepreneurial School® also takes the top spot in the Austrian ranking.

Outstanding: Studies, Teaching & Learning and Knowledge Transfer

The Entrepreneurial University® received excellent ratings in the categories "Teaching & Learning" and "Knowledge Transfer". The qualification as well as the didactic skills of the research and teaching staff receive top marks here. The fact that students generally complete their Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the minimum period of study is also particularly appreciated. Close cooperation with companies, numerous partnerships and spin-off activities contribute not least to a beneficial "knowledge transfer".

Internationality as a top feature

U-Multirank also awarded the MCI excellent rankings in the "International Orientation" group. Above all, the high mobility of students, the numerous English-language study programmes and the international composition of the research and teaching staff as well as the students receive top ratings.

Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector: "Quality is the result of years of continuous development. I am very pleased that our efforts are bearing fruit and thank our great team and stakeholders from all over the world."

Annette Leja, Regional Minister for Science & Research Tyrol: "The Tyrolean university landscape has international appeal and attracts students from numerous countries. It is impressive to see how committed people are to their work at the MCI. I congratulate all those working at the MCI on this impressive award and thank them for their outstanding work for Tyrol as a science location!"

Brigitte Auer, Head of MCI Quality Management: "Participating in rankings and receiving feedback from students helps us to continuously develop our own processes and competencies. The pleasing results of the current ranking confirm our quality efforts and will also motivate us for the tasks ahead."

Oswald Wolkenstein, Managing Director of the WKO: "With the MCI we have a dynamic entrepreneurial university whose charisma reaches far beyond our country. We see the renewed award as a mandate and an obligation to continue on our chosen path with energy, confidence and vigour."


U-Multirank was launched in 2008 on the initiative of the European Commission and is a unique multi-dimensional and international university ranking. In this multi-dimensional approach, U-Multirank takes into account student evaluations in addition to the evaluation of statistical data, publication and patent databases. In total, the feedback of more than 100,000 students on the quality of their university was taken into account. The MCI has been participating in U-Multirank since 2017 and has since achieved excellent results and top global rankings.