With excellent results, MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® positioned itself clearly above the Austrian average in several categories of this year's UNIVERSUM Talent Research survey. For example, the MCI achieved an outstanding 7.5 points for general university satisfaction, compared to the Austria-wide average of 7.2. Students are also highly satisfied with the MCI's Career Services, rating the extensive range of services with 7.3 points, while the overall Austria-wide value is 6.5.

Furthermore, satisfaction with online courses and career services was surveyed during COVID-19. The MCI received top ratings from students in both areas. Satisfaction with online courses during COVID-19 reached 7.3 points, compared to an Austria-wide value of 6.8.

MCI students in the field of life sciences are particularly enthusiastic: 80% would choose to study at the Entrepreneurial School® again and award an impressive 8.2 points for general university satisfaction in the natural sciences.

In addition to top marks, the Entrepreneurial School® can also look forward to a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Employability - an award that reflects the MCI's extraordinary commitment to promoting the employability of its students.

Universum Talent Research

Universum is the global market leader in employer branding and talent management. The global company, headquartered in Sweden, conducted the survey in Austria from November 2021 to July 2022 among 9,774 students. The results are part of the world's largest career test of this kind among more than 1 million students and young professionals. 770 survey participants were students at the MCI in Innsbruck and gave top marks to the Entrepreneurial School®, as they have done for many years.