*Abgesagt* Benefizkonzert der Pitztaler Gletscherbahn und des Tyrol Music Projects für hilfsbedürftige Ukrainer*innen in Tirol

Updated on 07.04.2022

Update 7.4.2022: Due to the weather forecast (storm warning), the benefit concert on 9 April 2022 is cancelled.

More and more Ukrainian refugees are coming to Tyrol. "As the Pitztal Glacier Cable Car, we want to make our contribution and provide funds for urgently needed aid," explains Beate Rubatscher-Larcher, Managing Director of the Pitztal Glacier Cable Car. Since the beginning of March, 1 euro from every lift ticket sold on the Pitztal Glacier has gone directly to the "Netzwerk Tirol hilft". A charity concert on the Pitztal Glacier will now raise further funds for the refugees, mostly women with their children. The net proceeds from the concert will be donated in full to "Netzwerk Tirol hilft" with the code word 'Ukraine'.

Café 3440 on the Pitztal Glacier will be transformed into Austria's highest concert hall on 9 April from 6.30 pm. Together with the Tyrol Music Project, the Pitztal Glacier Cable Car invites you to a charity concert with works ranging from Mozart to Shostakovich. The four musicians have already travelled the world as musical ambassadors. The quartet captivates with Viennese melodies and its unconventional arrangements. Their waltz sounds with the traditional instruments violin, accordion, guitar and double bass exude a special charm.

Concert programme 9 April 2022

Glacier Express ascent: 5 or 6 pm, followed by the ascent on the Wildspitzbahn cable car to Café 344018.30 - 19.15: Concert part IPause from 19.15: Sunset experience at 3,440 m20.15 - 21: Concert part II cosy finale Last descent on the Wildspitzbahn cable car 21.30 hrsDownhill rides on the Glacier Express 21.45 and 22 hrsParticipation only possible with a valid event ticket, please register in advance at marketing@tirolgletscher.com Event ticket incl. ascent and descent: 89 euros

The current COVID regulations must be observed.

Café 3440

During the concert break, the sunset, which colours the mountain peaks, can be experienced at an altitude of 3,440 m. Café 3440 is located on the Pitztal Glacier, directly on the Hinterer Brunnenkogel. It is the highest point in the Alps in Austria. The free-floating sun terrace and delicacies from the local cuisine invite you to linger. Thanks to Austria's most modern cable car, the Wildspitzbahn, everyone can experience this exhilarating feeling.

Booking and contact

marketing@tirolgletscher.com, www.pitztaler-gletscher.at/service/events

Photos: Pitztal Glacier Railway

Contact for enquiries

Brandmedia PR & Communication, Patrick Bock, 05223 22822-10, p.bock@brandmedia.cc

Donation account

Donations for Ukrainians in need in Tyrol can be made to "Netzwerk Tirol hilft" at Hypo Tirol Bank, IBAN: AT86 5700 0300 5320 1854, BIC: HYPTAT22, reference: Ukraine.