Special News

Dear students,

Unfortunately, we are all at the beginning of another hard lockdown. We know that this situation is not easy for any of us and that this development is marked by a lot of frustration and fear.

It is important to note that although universities are largely exempt from the lockdown under the new regulation, the University of Innsbruck has itself issued measures that need to be observed.

  • As of Monday, 22 November 2021, all courses and exams will once again take place in virtual form. (with some exceptions)
  • In the buildings of the University of Innsbruck FFP-2 masks are mandatory in all areas.
  • The University and Provincial Library and the learning zones will remain open under the known opening hours.

We would like to assure you that we have already spoken out loudly during the very spontaneous preparation of the measures by the university that this is not possible.

It cannot be that teaching is spontaneously changed over the weekend; and this despite the fact that it was still assured in September that it would be worthwhile for all students to rent a flat in Innsbruck again. This means that the students' planning security is once again completely thrown overboard, even though we have done everything we can to ensure safe teaching. We have achieved a vaccination rate of almost 85% and are thus absolute pioneers in terms of vaccination rates!

It cannot be that it is now left up to the teachers to decide what happens to the LV. We already know this from the last three semesters. Until recently, this did not work sufficiently and it will not work now. It is also unacceptable that 3G should be closed completely instead of trying 2G, 2G+ or 1G. Finally, we as ÖH are clearly of the opinion that students have done their duty and therefore an almost complete changeover to online teaching is not necessary.

We will continue to advocate that safe teaching with strict controls is absolutely possible and that we students have earned it!

Stay healthy, take care of yourself and everyone close to you and we wish you lots of energy for the time ahead,

Your ÖH chairmanship team,

Daniel, Lukas and Anna-Maria