Newsletter May 01

Dear student
dear Student,

This week we met some of you on campus! We were very happy to receive so much positive feedback about the ÖH's work.

In the current newsletter we have collected some news for you. The ÖH elections are coming up, which will also be framed by an exciting panel discussion. For all cyclists: the bike repair campaign is back! We have also organised some seminars on mental health.

Have fun reading!
PS: from 18-20 May: ÖH Election - VOTE!

We also recommend that you take a look at our homepage (, like our Facebook page( and follow us on Instagram(oeh_innsbruck) - there you will get all the latest news about studying and be well informed.

1.) ÖH Informs
- Panel discussion ÖH elections

On Wednesday, 12 May at 6 p.m., there will be a panel discussion on the ÖH elections with all the top candidates from the parties running for election.

Access link to the online session
Questions can be asked during the discussion via a chat function.

Our guests - 7 top candidates:
- Johann Katzlinger, AG - AktionsGemeinschaft: Uni lebt!
- Felicia Ladig, GRAS - Green and Alternative Students
- Philomena Gogala, VSStÖ - Association of Socialist Students in Austria
- Lukas Schobesberger, JUNOS - Young Liberal Students
- Maximilian Facchin, KSV-KJÖ - Communist Students' Association Innsbruck
- Mehmet Şahin, KSV-LiLi - Communist Students' Association - Left List
- Gudrun Kofler, RFS - Ring of Freedom Students

- Bicycle repair action

We, the ÖH, are organising our popular bicycle mending campaign again. Here you have the opportunity to get your bike back in shape. No matter if your chain is squeaking, you have no air in your tyres or your brakes need an overhaul - the ÖH will take care of all repairs up to 20 euros.
Of course, you'll also get a free bike light from your ÖH on top of that!

Times & places:
10:00 - 12:00 each day
Monday 17.5. - Geiwi forecourt
Tuesday 18.5. - Technik Vorplatz
Wednesday 19.5. - Sowi meadow
Thursday 20.5. - CCB

No appointment necessary - just drop in!
Our safety measures: Please wear an FFP-2 mask when queuing and observe the safety distances. All ÖH staff and service providers have been tested.

- Survey Campus Tour

We were out and about on campus this week asking for your opinions on various topics. If you missed us and still want to share your wishes for the future, you still have the chance to take part in our survey here:

We look forward to your opinion and feedback!

- Voting on campus - where and when?

From 18 - 20 May you can cast your vote for the ÖH election directly on campus.

Tuesday, 18.5. 10:00 - 18:00 hrs
Wednesday, 19.5. 09:00 - 19:00 hrs
Thursday, 20.5. 09:00 - 15:00 hrs

The best way to vote is to go to your faculty campus. At the 'Super Election Commission' in the Geiwi Tower (Innrain 52) every StV can be elected. You can find all election locations for each student representation on the homepage. The exact locations of the election commissions and information on where you can vote for your student representative can be found here:

If you are unable to vote on the election days, you can still apply for an absentee ballot card until 11 May at the latest! All information on postal voting can also be found on the homepage at:

- Crisis-proof and mentally strong through your studies - webinars

The Department of Sport and Health has organised two online webinars on the topic of "Mental Health". Here you can learn how to deal with challenges or mental carousels:

"Crisis-proof with Resilience' - 12 May, 17:00 - 18:30 You want to cope with difficult situations and challenges more successfully? Resilience, the psychological power of resistance, is the key to success. In this webinar you will learn which factors and techniques promote your resilience and how you can better cope with problems and crises. This will enable you to go through life stronger and with more ease in the future!

Access link:
Hosted by Nadja Pretzler @ MentalSuccess
Meeting identification number: 163 584 3968
Password: 1234

'Mentally strong and successful in your studies'- 12 May, 19:00 - 20:30 Do you want more happiness, satisfaction and success in life? Take charge of your thoughts and well-being to better cope with challenges and actively achieve goals. In this webinar you will learn to escape the mind carousel, overcome mental blocks and generate more success. Unleash your full potential and achieve your goals with mental strength!

Access link:
Hosted by Nadja Pretzler @ MentalSuccess
Meeting ID: 163 869 4718
Password: 1234

- Vouchers for AK counselling service

As ÖH Innsbruck we have tried to offer you more useful counselling services. We are happy to announce that the Chamber of Labour Tyrol will help us to advise students on legal issues in the future! From now on, you can use our voucher to get advice from the experts at the AK on problems at work, with landlords or on tax issues. It's easy and you don't need an appointment.

You can either pick up the vouchers at the ÖH secretariat (Josef-Hirn-Straße) or you can get them directly from our advisors.

2.)Financial support from the scholarship office

Applications for study grants for the summer semester 2021 are still possible until 17 May!

As the financing of studies is becoming more and more difficult for many students, also due to the Corona crisis, we would like to point out that ALL STUDENTS still have the opportunity to apply for a study grant at the Scholarship Office Innsbruck until 17 May!
Only those who submit an application can have a possible claim to this funding for the summer semester 2021 checked.

The staff will be happy to help you with any questions you may have!
Quick & easy application with the mobile phone signature!
More information at

3.) Group offers Psychological Student Counselling

Learn how to deal with stress more efficiently through different types of relaxation, control your exam anxiety or talk to others about the corona crisis and the psyche.
The Psychological Student Counselling Service offers free mental health group sessions on the following topics:

- Relaxed through your studies
- Exam nerves - workshop
- Corona and psyche
- Refuelling - FREELY DANCING

Registration at:

4.) ÖH and WuV - Workshops, lectures, discussions etc.

Mastering the crisis
Experiences from the Lock-Down: Care

Moderation: Ursula Costa and Andreas Exenberger

Tuesday, 11 May 2021, 7:00 p.m
ONLINE via zoom (zoom link on the homepage

Further information:
Science and Responsibility (short: WuV) is a joint project of the LFU Innsbruck, the MUI, the MCI and the ÖH Innsbruck

Finally, we would like to call on you to vote between 18-20 May! Use your right to vote!

We hope there was something for you again!

See you soon!

Your ÖH Chair,
Johann & Julia & Baris