Newsletter March 03

Dear student,
dear student,

We wish you a relaxing start to the Easter lecture-free period! In today's newsletter update you will find offers for mental and physical health and a few exciting event and reading tips.

Until then, enjoy reading!

We also recommend that you take a look at our homepage(, like our Facebook page( and follow us on Instagram (oeh_innsbruck) - there you will find all the latest news about studying and stay well informed.

1.) ÖH Informed

- Already paid your ÖH fee?
Make sure you pay your ÖH contribution by 30 March! Only then will you be entitled to vote in May to elect your representatives for the next two years.
You can pay the fee either on site or via online banking.
You can find all the information in LFU:online under 'My data' - 'My tuition fee'

- Corona Update
From May, some face-to-face courses and examinations may take place again. Students who are unable to attend in person will be offered an alternative in any case!
For all attendance dates (courses and examinations), a negative test result from a publicly recognised test option is required from 12 April. This must not be older than 48 hours or, in the case of PCR tests, not older than 72 hours.
This also applies to all courses that have already been held in presence (laboratory practicals, sports motor exercises and interpreter training).
There will be exceptions for those who have recovered and have an official antibody test result.

In addition, FFP-2 masks are mandatory in all university buildings with immediate effect.

-Amendment tothe UniversitiesAct approved by the National Council
The amendment to the Universities Act was approved by the National Council on 24 March 2021 with the votes of the coalition. Specifically, the amendment provides for the introduction of a minimum course load of 16 ECTS credits for first-year students within the first four semesters. It is not yet clear when the new rules will come into force!

- ÖH Sports Academy - Sporty through the semester
After a long day at the UNI desk, is a bit of exercise just the thing for you? But you find it hard to motivate yourself on your own?
Then check out our ÖH HIIT sessions in cooperation with Basefive. The training takes place online every Wednesday at 18:45 (for the time being). The training will also continue over Easter!
With the following ZOOM link and the password BASEFIVE you are already there:

You don't actually need anything for the training itself - a mat, towel and something to drink would be great! If you have extra weights, then of course always make them available. The sessions are designed for all ability levels.

- UNIPress
Our official student magazine UNIpress provides you with regular updates and news about life and studying in Innsbruck at
As one of the largest university journalism projects in the German-speaking world, UNIpress highlights everything that students at the University of Innsbruck are interested in - from the work and projects of the ÖH Innsbruck to updates on studying in Corona times and investigative local reports on the Sillschlucht raves.
You can also find a selection of UNIpress articles on housing and neighbourhoods in Innsbruck on the new ÖH housing exchange:

You can also find us on social media:

Facebook: https: //

Twitter: https: //

2.) New offers from the Psychological Student Counselling Service

Get support and exchange ideas!
The Psychological Student Counselling Service offers you various opportunities: At the Online Jour Fixe for students, you can exchange questions and experiences after a short theoretical introduction. There are also various online workshops and webinars, for example on the topic of exam anxiety or how to relax during your studies.

Just take a look at the website:

3.) Language café & international speed friending

Wake up in English at the Language Café
Haven't spoken English for ages? Would you like to brush up your English and find out what "sensitivity" means in English? Then come along to our Language Café on Wednesday 31 March at 18:00. You can find more information on our Facebook page "ÖH Referat für Internationales & ESN-Team ":

Speed Friending
Would you like to make new friends in times of Corona? Maybe friends from all over the world? If so, there will be a speed friending event organised by ESN Innsbruck right after the Sprach Cafè at 20:00. You can find all further information on our Facebook page "ESN Innsbruck ":

4.) Call for entries: GenderFemPrize 2021

This year's prize in the amount of EUR 3,000 is awarded by the University of Innsbruck for qualification work in the fields of gender studies, women's and gender research.
Dissertations, diploma and master's theses written at the University of Innsbruck in the past two years can be submitted until Monday, 31 May 2021.

All information about the prize can be found here:

5.) Die Zeitlos - Become part of the student magazine

The team of the student magazine 'Die Zeitlos' is currently looking for new members - be it in the editorial, layout, proofreading or website design team.
Students can contribute and expand their knowledge and skills.

You can find more information at:

6.) By students for students: The Students' Philanthropic Foundation Innsbruck

Are you interested in NGOs and charitable work?
Then you've come to the right place! We are SPF Innsbruck and a new student organisation at the University of Innsbruck. With our aid projects, we support children and young people in Asia and South America.
If you would like to find out more about our projects, please visit our website

Follow us on Instagram @SPF.INNSBRUCK if you want to stay up to date or get involved and never miss an event again!

7.) Student rates in the Axamer Lizum until 5 April

Winter sports at its best until Easter Monday - the Axamer Lizum has opened the lifts continuously until 5 April 2021. The Golden Roof Funpark is perfectly shaped, the pistes are perfectly groomed as always and there's plenty of space for sun worshippers to boot. The two ascent tracks for ski touring fans are not only open during the day, but also twice a week in the evening - on Monday and Thursday until 22:00.
Although the lifts are closed after Easter, the Axamer Lizum has decided to continue to prepare the ladies' descent and make it available to ski tourers - as long as the snow and weather conditions allow. Ideal for all those who want to get some exercise after a busy day at university.
There is a regular free ski bus from Innsbruck.

In the webshop you will find extra student rates and an additional 10% discount on all ONLINE TICKETS:

8.) Survey on the Career Service

Faster, higher, further - career orientation is an increasingly complex challenge for students and graduates due to changes in the world of work and social conditions.
As part of a master's thesis survey to improve the Career Service, we would like to take the opportunity to improve our services and better adapt our support services to the needs of students. We would be very grateful if you could help us to improve the Career Service by answering the following survey, which is being carried out as part of a master's thesis by a student at the University of Innsbruck.

The survey takes about 15 minutes. Link to the survey:

We hope there was something for you again!

Your ÖH Chair,
Johann & Julia & Baris