MCI Student erhält österreichischen Staatspreis

Florian Entleitner, a Master's student in the Environmental Process and Energy Technology degree programme, has received the Federal Minister's Appreciation Award 2020.

With his master's thesis 'Simulation and validation of heat transfer in fin pack evaporators with propane as refrigerant', Entleitner succeeded in significantly improving the heat transfer in the evaporator and thus the energy efficiency of air heat pumps compared to the current industry standard by means of a novel process concept. The results of his master's thesis even led to the founding of the technology start-up 'LAMBDA', which develops and produces highly efficient heat pumps with natural refrigerant.

His academic supervisor, MCI Professor Ing. Dr. Aldo Giovannini emphasises: "Mr. Entleitner has chosen a particularly exciting and topical subject. The results of his work make an important contribution to improving the ecological and cost-effective heating of buildings."

The Honourable Mention Award of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research was established in 1990 and is of the rank of a state prize. This prize, which is financed from student funding, is awarded annually to the best 50 diploma and master's degrees at all Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences (out of a total of around 16,000 degrees).