MCI Recruiting Forum 2021

80 companies and organisations from all over the world took part in the MCI Recruiting Forum via virtual booths. Once again this year, live chats via text and video enabled personal conversations between the participating students and the company representatives, many of which ended in appointments for a job interview.

Internationality through online event

"With the decision to hold the Recruiting Forum online again, we were able to make it possible for students who are currently on an internship or abroad to participate. In addition, we wanted to make it possible for representatives of corporate groups who had difficulty travelling to the event due to corona conditions to attend," explains Brigitte Huter, Head of the Student & Career Center at the MCI.

Large selection of employers

International corporations such as Mondelez International, which employs several thousand people, renowned family businesses such as Adler or Swarovski Optik, innovative start-ups such as Single Use Support or well-known NGOs such as Doctors without Borders took part in this year's exclusive event for MCI students. The presentation by Red Bull, one of the most popular employers in Austria, on the topic of "Give wings to your career" was followed with great interest. The presentations by SalaryNegotiations and LinkedIn also attracted many students to the fair. Manfred Forstinger, Chairman of the MCI University Representation, was enthusiastic about the concept: "Complementing the MCI's practical orientation, the Recruiting Forum offers an optimal platform for making direct contact with employers and getting to know companies, their job offers and requirements better, thus creating direct links to the professional world."

New tools for easier contact

The new tool 'Find & Be Found' took the MCI Online Recruiting Forum to the next level and was met with great enthusiasm. Students had the unique opportunity to arrange interviews with companies of their choice in advance. At the same time, companies could view the profiles of registered students and contact them in advance if they were interested. "For us, the Recruiting Forum is one of the most important career fairs of the year. We have already been able to inspire many MCI students to join Liebherr. This year, we had the opportunity to invite interesting and interested students to talks on the day of the fair in the run-up to the event. That was very worthwhile," says Benjamin Schlesinger, Human Resources Officer at Liebherr's Telfs plant.

The MCI Recruiting Forum 2021 was supported by , and our numerous Career Partners. Media partners are the and . We would like to express our sincere thanks.