Innovativ: Skigebiet Hochfügen installiert das Tiroler Pistentouren-Leitsystem

Updated 22.12.2021

From the valley floor up to 2,500 metres above sea level: In winter 2021/22, two marked ascent tracks await ski tourers on the slopes in Hochfügen. Once you have bought your parking ticket, strapped on your touring skis and checked the safety rules, you can head up under your own steam. A special highlight this season is the popular tour nights starting on 23 December.

Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an old hand - the two routes in Hochfügen guarantee the best views of the surrounding mountains: "Ski touring is increasingly becoming a popular sport in alpine habitats. The operators of the ski areas have long since ceased to see piste tourers as 'annoying guests'. A lot of money is now being invested in guidance and signposting as well as in the service for piste tourers," affirms ski touring guide Klaus Kranebitter of SnowHow. Thanks to the newly installed Tyrolean piste tour guidance system, tourers in Hochfügen are well informed. The standardised boards show the tourers the further route, the metres in altitude still to be covered and the distance to the destination.

Two special routes for tourersThefirst ascent option on Pfaffenbühel starts directly at the tourers' car park in Hochfügen at 1,480 metres. During the approximately two-hour route, ski tourers climb about 830 metres in altitude. Over a length of four kilometres, the athletes enjoy the view of the surrounding mountain world - the Gilfert and the Kuhmesser in particular stand out. The second route leads from the valley station of the Holzalm 6-seater chairlift over five kilometres to the mountain station of the Zillertal Shuttle. Ski tourers cover a total of 900 metres in altitude on the ascent. The winter sports enthusiasts experience a breathtaking view across to Hochzillertal-Kaltenbach, the Wimbachkopf, Rastkogel and the legendary Hochfügener Ostwand. For more leisurely walkers, from this winter onwards there will be a branch-off to the Holzalm restaurant to shorten the tour, to fortify yourself or to meet the skiing family for lunch.

Weekly tour nightsThe popular tour nights in Hochfügen willalsotake place again this season. The first two will be on Thursdays on 23 and 30 December, and from 7 January until the end of February, pistes eleven, 13 and 14 will be transformed into exclusive touring routes on Friday evenings - both for the ascent and the descent. Due to grooming work, all other slopes are closed for the safety of the athletes. "Piste tourers do the best possible job for their sport if they follow pre-set rules and stay on the marked ascents and follow the pre-set rules," says expert Kranebitter, explaining the requirements for safe touring in the ski area. The Pizzeria of the 8er-Alm provides for the physical well-being during the tour nights. It is open for hungry guests until 9:00 pm.

Important advice to all ski tourers: especially on the ascent, but also on the descent, switch on headlamps. Winter sports enthusiasts without lights pose a high risk of collisions. Also, for safety reasons, it is essential to choose the edge of the piste and the signposted routes when climbing the altitude metres.

More on the tour offers and safety tips at