European University Ulysseus at MCI

The establishment of "European universities" is at the centre of the European Commission's science policy. Initiated by the French President Emanuel Macron, up to 50 such top institutions are being established in Europe, combining the strengths of European science and higher education. Together with the University of Seville (Spain, lead), University of Cote d'Azur (France), University of Genoa (Italy), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Košice University of Technology (Slovakia), the MCI is a supporting pillar of the Ulysseus project funded by the European Commission.

The development of joint strategies and plans and the prompt implementation of initial projects were at the forefront of the multi-day meeting at MCI | The Entrepreneurial University®. "We are proud to be a supporting pillar in the realisation of this great European idea," said Prof. Siegfried Walch, who is responsible for the project at the MCI, expressing his delight: "Over the next few years, we will be devoting ourselves intensively to an enormous European development project that will keep the European higher education area competitive in a global context."

"The fact that Innsbruck is serving as the venue for the constituent and first face-to-face meeting makes me happy as Mayor of the Provincial Capital of Innsbruck," concurs Mayor Georg Willi. "Now that the Maximilian Year has come to an end, it is our ambition to place Innsbruck once again at the centre of European activity."

"What our team is once again achieving here with incredible energy and high competence amazes me every day," adds Rector Andreas Altmann. "I congratulate the team around Prof. Siegfried Walch and thank our European partners and the European Commission for their trust and excellent cooperation. Ulysseus is another milestone in our consistent path of internationalisation and global visibility."

Student mobility

The Joint International Center (IC), located at the Entrepreneurial University® in Innsbruck, focuses on the mobility of 182,000 students, 20,000 teachers and thousands of decision-makers in management & administration. The mobility programme also includes an innovative green deal for climate protection, a welcome programme and the introduction of a European student card.

Research Coordination 'COMPASS

The COMPASS project team is developing the joint strategy and concrete action plans to position Ulysseus as a powerful 'hub' for research & innovation. COMPASS is a Horizon 2020 project and the flagship of Ulysseus' research and innovation agenda and strategy.