Double premium seal again

MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® is the only university in Austria to have once again been awarded two premium seals by the 'Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation' (FIBAA) at institutional level.

The MCI received one of the two premium seals as part of the "Institutional Audit Austria", which higher education institutions in Austria have to undergo periodically in order to be legally recognized as a higher education institution, to be allowed to admit students, to train students and to award academic degrees.The Institutional Audit was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the HS-QSG (Higher Education Quality Assurance Act), AQ Austria and ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) by the renowned FIBAA (Foundation of International Business Administration Accreditation) based in Bonn. In the course of the Institutional Audit, the MCI not only fulfilled the comprehensive quality requirements, but also clearly exceeded them, which is why the assessors rated the university as "outstanding and exemplary".

Furthermore, the MCI has voluntarily undergone a supplementary comprehensive "Strategic Management Accreditation" , in the context of which above all the strategy, innovative strength, dynamics, internationality and future viability of the university are examined. Here, too, the MCI not only met the demanding quality standards, but even clearly surpassed them with an "excellent" rating, thus earning the prestigious premium seal .

Official award ceremony

In the festive setting of the MCI's grand sponsorship ceremony on 16 October 2021, both premium seals were awarded in front of 1,000 guests and 130 new MCI alumni by FIBAA Commission Chairman Jürgen Weigand, Professor and Dean of the renowned School of Management and FIBAA Executive Director Diane Freiberger in the presence of the Head of the Science Section at the BMBWF Elmar Pichl and the Provincial Science Councillor and Chair of the MCI General Assembly Annette Leja.


The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) with its office in Bonn acts as a European accreditation agency with complementary national recognitions. A premium seal is awarded exclusively to higher education institutions that demonstrate excellent quality in the key performance areas and clearly exceed the high accreditation standards.

From the point of view of the FIBAA assessors, the Entrepreneurial University® impresses in a special way, in addition to many other criteria, with its outstanding range of courses, high academic quality, dynamic approach and innovative measures in rapidly changing social situations, such as online teaching. The MCI's positioning as a centre for academic dialogue, innovation and international encounters, which are demonstrably lived and actively cultivated, is also rated as first-class.

The renewed award of the double premium seal is the result of comprehensive quality efforts and fits in with the ongoing top results in surveys, accreditations and rankings that the MCI has been achieving with great regularity for many years. For example, the MCI was recently ranked among the best 25 universities in the world in selected performance areas in the U-Multirank initiated by the European Commission. The entrustment of the MCI with the realisation of a "European University" and a number of other awards in recent months complement the findings.


FIBAA Commission Chairman Jürgen Weigand: "MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® impresses with excellent quality management, outstanding student support and an extremely high-quality range of courses. I warmly congratulate MCI and the dedicated team around Rector Andreas Altmann for this outstanding achievement."

FIBAA Executive Director Diane Freiberger: "The convincing positioning of the Entrepreneurial University® as a centre for scientific dialogue, exemplary teaching and a dynamic platform for international encounters forms an outstanding enrichment for the entire German-speaking higher education area. I congratulate warmly and wish continued success."

Section Head Elmar Pichl, Head of the Science Section in the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research: "For 25 years, the MCI has been convincing with its high-quality achievements in academic teaching and continuing education, solution-oriented research, pronounced internationality and close cooperation with business and society. With the MCI, Austria has an "entrepreneurial university" that is the envy of other countries."

Annette Leja, Member of the Tyrolean Government for Science and Health and Chair of the MCI General Assembly: "The renewed double award for the MCI confirms that quality is no coincidence but a result of continuous hard work. With the Entrepreneurial University®, the Tyrol has an innovative forge for the future, where innovative ideas technologies, processes, products and business models are conceived, bridges to the future are built and international encounters are promoted. Congratulations!"

Brigitte Auer, Head of MCI Quality Management: "The award of the two premium seals shows that we live quality and excellence every day and that we offer our students excellent study and career opportunities. We see the two premium seals at the same time as motivation and tailwind, but also as a mandate and obligation for the consistent continuation of our path."

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: "I am extremely happy about these renewed awards and would like to express my sincere thanks to the entire MCI team, whose tireless efforts produce great things every day and dynamically drive the further development of the MCI."