Updated on 01.12.2021
On 1 December 2021, the Mayrhofen-Hippach Tourism Association and Mayrhofner Bergbahnen Aktiengesellschaft will complete a "digital merger". In future, all guest-relevant content, offers and services of the tourism destination and the Mayrhofner Bergbahnen will be presented under the joint digital umbrella of mayrhofen.at.
The technical and organisational preparatory work for the digital integration is based on the jointly founded platform www.myZillertal.app, which is now being further developed throughout the valley with all tourism associations and mountain railways. Based on this service, eCommerce and technology platform launched three years ago by the Mayrhofner Bergbahnen and the TVB Mayrhofen-Hippach, the new joint website has now been created at mayrhofen.at.
"The use of uniform technological standards across the valley as well as the local consolidation of the operational organisation saves duplication and financial resources in the long term. With the courage in our development rucksack to leave the beaten track and at the same time uncompromisingly put on the guest's glasses as a guard rail for content preparation and user guidance, it allows us to enter a new era of digital preparation of the tourism service spectrum," says Meinrad Wilfling, CEO of Mayrhofner Bergbahnen AG.
Guests and locals can now find all Mayrhofen-Hippach-specific offers, accommodation, guided tours and all alpine experiences, summer and winter, on mayrhofen.at. Most of these can be booked digitally and linked to the www.myZillertal.app customer account.
"In addition to the technical challenges, the real feats of strength lie in creating the organisational structures. A mindset is being created among the people involved that allows the associated organisations to look beyond their own horizons and create a "WE feeling" at destination level. Today, employees from both organisations work together in a team in direct coordination in the shortest possible way," says Andreas Lackner, Managing Director of the Mayrhofen-Hippach Tourism Association, who is delighted with the close cooperation with Mayrhofner Bergbahnen AG.
The previous website at www.mayrhofner-bergbahnen.com is gradually being converted into a B2B portal. Guests and end consumers searching for mountain railway-specific content will be directed to www.mayrhofen.at/mountopolis - or land on the merged digital presence when searching the internet.
Parallel to the implementation of the digital merger, Mayrhofner Bergbahnen AG has developed a new communication presence in cooperation with the Fuschl-based advertising agency ZOOOM. "Building Better Brands" is ZOOOM's value proposition, with no room for lazy compromises. The result is the creation of a new word-image brand with the melodious name MOUNTOPOLIS and a visual world that is designed to stimulate the explorer gene in the short attention span of the viewer - and empirically tested it does! And in order to offer a pronunciation aid for the correct pronunciation of MOUNTOPOLIS, a special advert was developed, which can be heard at www.mountopolis.at. Derived from MOUNTain and metrOPOLIS, the new word-image brand acts as an umbrella brand for the range of alpine tourism services offered by Mayrhofner Bergbahnen AG, and thus offers the end consumer a visual bracket and orientation aid, also to differentiate them from the numerous other service providers.