Certification: Covid 19 Prevention

MCI and duftner.digital anchor hygiene concepts in Austrian tourism businesses by certifying online learning tools. The Austrian winter season and safety in winter ski resorts are currently the topic of conversation throughout Europe. Austrian tourism businesses are more than motivated to implement hygiene measures efficiently and uniformly. Until the businesses are actually allowed to reopen, they are now using the time proactively for preparation and learning .

The Centre for Innovation in Social and Healthcare Services at the MCI is involved in the SAFE SERVICE Tirol initiative together with the digitalisation company duftner.digital. This initiative, which is coordinated by the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, trains employees in tourism companies in the safe handling of COVID-19 hygiene measures.

"The results of the research project at the MCI "Covid-19 Risk Management Winter Season 20-21", which was funded by the provinces of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, provide particularly important input to underpin the content of the Covid-19 officer training as part of the SAFE SERVICE Tirol initiative. 90% of all participating companies want uniform standards in risk management with COVID-19," explains Siegfried Walch, project manager at MCI.

The certification for SAFE SERVCIE Covid-19 officers does just that. The simple online tool provides entrepreneurs with a quick self-assessment of their own safety situation, which enables a standardised start to the season. In addition, gold and silver certificates are used to transparently communicate to guests that the businesses are committed to preventing COVID-19 above and beyond the minimum requirements of general hygiene measures.

"Safe service is the megatrend that we will be focusing on intensively in the coming months. I am proud that, with the Covid-19 officer training, we are creating a tool for companies that has been jointly developed with experts from various disciplines and can be implemented by companies in simple steps," says Dieter Duftner, CEO of duftner.digital, summarising the unique selling points of the training.

Certification Companies that are awarded the Safe Service certificate in gold fulfil at least 90% of the requirements in the prevention concept and all legal requirements/regulations can be fully implemented in the respective company. The remaining 10% of the requirements may only relate to non-essential or non-statutory measures. Companies with the silver certificate fulfil 70% of the requirements in the prevention concept and all statutory requirements/regulations can be implemented in full. Here too, the missing 30% may only concern non-essential or non-statutory measures.