MCI Rector calls for a call to action

"An end to the political squabbles and legal disputes" demands MCI Rector Andreas Altmann in a press release. "For years, the MCI has been waiting for the much-needed and much-heralded new MCI Campus building. Instead of rolling up its sleeves and finally getting started, we are publicly engaged in political squabbles and legal disputes. It can't go on like this. At some point, enough is enough," said Rector Altmann, calling on the political players to get down to business and finally implement the project.

"With every delay, the MCI suffers enormous economic disadvantages due to rents in the millions, lost investments in third-party property and massive difficulties resulting from the relocation. Now there is also damage to our image. We are losing credibility both at home and abroad, and people are asking us what is going on in Tyrol. We are in the middle of the application and admission procedures for the academic year starting in autumn. For many years, our students have been promised 'timely realisation', which not only does not happen, but seems even further away. Our cooperation partners in science and business only shake their heads. Do they really believe that all this will remain without effect?" said the MCI Rector.

The same applies to the almost 400 staff members and 1,000 lecturers who work with incredible dedication every day despite the difficult conditions and who, especially in the current COVID19 crisis, have managed the study and research operations with a quality and reliability that is unparalleled internationally. How should their faith, trust and motivation be maintained under the given circumstances?

Not to mention the massive financial burden on the MCI budget and the losses imposed on taxpayers by the ongoing delays. Funds that would be urgently needed at the MCI for other issues and that could be used much more sensibly for other things in Tyrol, especially in economically difficult times.

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann continues: "We are competing internationally for the best minds, the most capable people, the most creative ideas and the most sustainable jobs, companies, technologies and business models - topics that would be so incredibly important for Innsbruck and the Tyrol. The MCI has incredible energy, innovative power and potential. Let's roll up our sleeves, invest courageously in relevant topics for the future and finally start the new MCI building!" Altmann concludes his urgent media appeal to the political decision-makers to end the endless debates and realise the project immediately.