The fact that quality is no coincidence, but the result of many years of consistent work, is confirmed once again by the current MCI alumni survey. The excellent assessments by the graduates of the Entrepreneurial University® with regard to the quality of studies and services, the reputation and recognition of the university at home and abroad as well as career opportunities after graduation correspond with extremely high appreciation by employers and impressive professional development paths of the graduates.The results at a glance:
Recommendation of the MCI: 89.1% of MCI alumni would "definitely" or "to a great extent" recommend the MCI to friends, acquaintances and colleagues.
Overall assessment of the study program: 85.3% of MCI alumni gave the MCI study program a "very good" or "good" rating.
Choice of study programme: 88.3% of all respondents said they had "definitely" or "largely" chosen the right study programme
Support during studies: 91.3% of all respondents rated the support during their studies as "very good" or "good".
Excellent career opportunities after graduation: Outstanding results were also achieved with regard to job offers before and after graduation. Already at the time of graduation, Bachelor alumni have an impressive 2.4 job offers and Master alumni even 2.7 job offers.
Source: Graduate survey 2019/20; anonymous written survey of all Bachelor's and Master's graduates who completed their Bachelor's or Master's degree at the MCI between 2012 and 2017. Response rate 28.9 %.
Brigitte Auer, Head of MCI Quality Management, points out the high level of satisfaction with the support situation: "Over 90% of graduates rate the support and service orientation at the MCI as "very good" or "good". This shows in particular that our faculty and staff live the MCI motto 'We accompany motivated people'."
Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector thanks the alumni for their participation in the study: "Quality, innovation and acceptance on the labour market are top priorities at the MCI. The feedback from our alumni provides important information for the ongoing optimisation and further development of our range of studies and services. I would like to thank all participants for their constructive input