Master Medical Technologies am MCI – Start im Herbst 2020!

From autumn 2020, the newly launched English-language Master's programme in Medical Technologies will complement the MCI's focus on technology and life sciences. The Unternehmerische Hochschule® has now also received accreditation from AQ Austria - due to a circular resolution in the board. Nothing now stands in the way of the start of studies in autumn. Applications are possible at any time.

Already three years ago, the MCI established the branch of study "Medical Technology" in close cooperation with the Medical University of Innsbruck at Bachelor level within the framework of the Mechatronics course, which is developing excellently and is enjoying great demand.

Subsequently, an English-language branch of study in "Medical Technologies", which builds on the Bachelor's degree, was launched at the MCI in autumn 2019 as part of the Master's degree programme in "Mechatronics & Smart Technologies" with 20 places. Once accreditation has been granted, this can now be expanded into an independent Master's degree programme from autumn 2020 and successively extended by further places over the next few years. The establishment of the study programme is based on a joint decision by institutions from science (MUI, LFUI, UMIT, FHG) and business (TirolKliniken, MedEl, Lebensraum Tirol, etc.) located at the site.

Medical technology with its diverse characteristics and applications in the direction of digitalisation, informatics, health, ergonomics, rehabilitation and sports is one of the most important future fields with excellent career opportunities. The content of the English-language degree programme with a high degree of business proximity and practical orientation prepares students for challenging positions in research, development, industry, start-ups and consulting. In addition, the career-friendly time model enables a limited amount of professional engagement alongside studies.

Funding is secured through contributions from the state of Tyrol and the Ministry of Science. With the new degree programme, the existing competences at the location will be further expanded and synergetically linked.

Application deadlines: Sunday, 28.06.2020 and Friday, 31.07.2020


Governor Günther Platter:"Tyrol has efficient institutions and the highest standards in science, research, education and health care. With the new Master's programme in the field of medical technology, these competences will be further expanded and closely interwoven. With its various training programmes in the field of medical technology, Tyrol is demonstrating its international level."

Dr. Bernhard Tilg, Chairman of the MCI General Assembly, Provincial Councillor for Health, Science, Care and the Elderly:"The new Master's programme at the MCI is a prime example of how synergies can be created through the joint efforts of partners from a wide range of fields. This benefits everyone: The Tyrol as an economic and living space, the university location, the young people who can take up future-oriented professions and, last but not least, the medical care of the patients," says LR Tilg and continues: "The full-time study programme, which is conducted in English, enables students to work part-time due to its job-friendly organisation and thus a smooth transition to employment. Opportunities for cooperation with Tyrolean business and industry are also actively sought."

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Loidl, Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs at the Medical University of Innsbruck: "It is obvious that the Medical University is contributing core competences in the field of medical technology to the new Master's programme. In many areas of medicine, purely technical progress is directly reflected in the quality of patient care. Our intention is to make the high level of expertise of the Medical University available to young people in this new specific training, which is not possible in this depth within a classical medical degree course. In addition, we expect this study programme to provide further impetus to strengthen our intensive cooperation with the relevant Tyrolean industry and to promote the establishment of new medical technology companies in our state.

Stefan Deflorian, Managing Director of Tirol Kliniken GmbH: "For tirol kliniken, the start of the Medical Technologies Master's programme is good news. It is becoming increasingly clear that the rapid technical developments in medicine, for example in the areas of artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, telemedicine, etc., are outstripping the supply of well-trained specialists. Especially as the largest employer in the healthcare sector in Western Austria and operator of currently 45,000 medical technology devices, we are dependent on highly specialised employees in the field of medical technology. Moreover, in view of increasing digitalisation and automation, this need will continue to grow. We are therefore already looking forward to the first graduates of this practice-oriented and promising degree programme."

Bernhard Windbichler, Head of Human Resources & Central Site Services MED-EL Medical Electronics: "We are looking forward to the graduates, for whom we have a wide range of interesting and meaningful tasks in store