First dual study programme in Tyrol!

Dual study programmes are rare internationally and have been completely lacking in Tyrol up to now. They differ from part-time degree programmes in that they address school leavers directly after the Matura and provide for an integrative combination of study and work. Several months of study at the university are followed by practical blocks of several months in innovative partner companies.

With the dual bachelor's degree programme "Smart Building Technologies", MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® sets another milestone and once again positions itself among the most innovative universities and colleges in the German-speaking world.

"The dual study programme 'Smart Building Technologies' meets the pulse of the times," MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is convinced: "Companies all over the world have an urgent need for the qualifications taught in the study programme - now young people from all over the world and the economy in Tyrol and South Tyrol will benefit from these competences."

Exciting field of the future

Course director Werner Stadlmayr emphasises the importance of the new course: "The new Smart Building Technologies course offers an outstanding addition to the study programme at MCI. Students benefit from excellent career prospects and from the close integration with corporate partners, which is so unique."

  • The study programme focuses on the development, optimisation and application of intelligent solutions for the future-oriented challenges of building technology, infrastructure, modern living, climate neutrality and ecological sustainability.
  • This offers excellent career opportunities in the growing future field of energy- and resource-saving building with intelligent solutions in the areas of automation, information technology, the subject complex of heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and sanitary engineering as well as the latest possibilities of modern lighting technology.
  • In the foreground of the above-mentioned complexes of themes is the human and social dimension of living and working together as well as the ever more important feeling of well-being in public and private building complexes and spaces.

Renowned partner companies Seven companies from Tyrol and South Tyrol are making the start of the dual Bachelor's degree programme possible by contributing their expertise to the development of the degree programme, providing jobs and making substantial financial contributions. In doing so, the companies benefit from the scientific know-how that the students gather during their education and can apply directly in the practical phases of their companies.