MCI-Studierende wählen ihre Hochschulvertretung

The ÖH elections 2019 have resulted in a change in the mandataries for the university representation at the MCI. All nine mandates at the Entrepreneurial University® will be held by the list "Die L.U.St. - Deine Liste der unabhängigen Studierenden am MCI" in the coming term.

The new members of the MCI university representation want to approach their tasks with a fresh wind and new ideas.

The following mandataries will take over the chair functions:

  • Chairperson: Caroline Bachlechner (Food Technology & Nutrition course)
  • Vice Chair: Katharina Elena Walser (Tourism & Leisure Studies)
  • Deputy Chairperson: Stefan Soier (Business & Management degree programme)

The other members of the MCI University Representation are:

  • Corinna Baudisch (Nonprofit, Social & Health Management)
  • Sonja Brandmayr (degree programme Tourism & Leisure Management)
  • Michael Fedorcio (Nonprofit, Social & Health Management programme)
  • Medina Paden (Nonprofit, Social & Health Management degree programme)
  • Micha Pilz (Nonprofit, Social & Health Management degree programme)
  • Martina Senoner (Social Work degree programme)

The MCI would like to thank the outgoing student representatives for their extraordinary commitment and their friendly and constructive cooperation. The Entrepreneurial University® congratulates all new mandataries on their election and looks forward to good cooperation.