MCI schließt Abkommen mit Spitzenuniversität in Hongkong

The new year begins at the MCI with a first-class highlight. The Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck has just signed an agreement with the extremely renowned Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The content of the agreement is the exchange of students. This is a continuation of the MCI's international success story:

The MCI is one of the leading universities in the German-speaking world in terms of partner universities, double-degree agreements and exchange study places, and is also among the exclusive group of universities with worldwide AACSB accreditation as a top business school.

The cooperation was initiated with the biochemist Reinhard Renneberg, who works in the Department of Chemistry at HKUST and is also a visiting professor at MCI, and whose comprehensive work "Biotechnologie für Einsteiger" (Biotechnology for Beginners) has been standard reading for biotechnology students for many years.

HKUST is considered one of the best universities in Asia. Founded in 1991, it is one of the younger universities in the former British Crown Colony. HKUST is a campus university, confined to a single location. A total of around 15,500 students study at the university, many of whom live directly on campus. HKUST has excellent ranking results. For example, it is ranked number 1 worldwide in the Times Higher Education Young University Ranking, which specialises in younger universities. HKUST also ranked No. 1 worldwide in the QS Global Joint EMBA Ranking 2017 or the Financial Times Global EMBA Ranking 2018.

Hong Kong, a metropolis of seven million people, is one of the economic heartlands - not only of China or Asia, but now of the entire world. It is located in the Pearl River Estuary and is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Until 1997, it was a British Crown Colony; even after it became Chinese territory, it was able to maintain a free market economy and a high degree of internal autonomy. The population growth and the small buildable area of Hong Kong led to large-scale land reclamation by filling in the sea and to the creation of a skyline of skyscrapers.

Andreas Altmann, Rector of MCI, is delighted about the new partner university: "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is at the top in Asia and also at the forefront worldwide. It is a huge opportunity for MCI students to spend their semester abroad at this and other top universities. The personal experience, the international brand and the networks gained are effectively priceless".