For the fourth time, the MCI and its Centre for Family Business (ZFU) recently hosted the "Forum Family Business" to promote exchange between family entrepreneurs on the one hand and students and professors on the other in a creative dialogue. The focus was on a change of perspective, innovation and professionalisation.
In the format of a World Café, around 60 students from the English-language Master's programmes International Business & Management and Entrepreneurship & Tourism worked together with the entrepreneurs on topics such as business management, internationalisation, succession, innovation, growth, dealing with conflicts, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour. Entrepreneur Martha Schultz, Managing Director of the Schultz Group, summarised: "This is my first time participating and I am thrilled at how well prepared the students are and how exciting discussions and new insights develop for everyone involved." Both sides praised the diversity of the approaches and solutions developed, which become visible through new angles and changes in perspective.
"As an Entrepreneurial University®, it is a special concern of ours to understand the problems of the economy and to jointly develop approaches to solutions. I would like to thank all the entrepreneurs who engage in the challenging discourse with our students," summarises Anita Zehrer, Head of the Centre for Family Business.
The MCI would like to thank the following companies for their cooperation:
- Claudia Berghofer, Adler Lacke
- Andreas Duschl, Duschl Engineers
- Elisabeth Hauser, Hotel Stanglwirt
- Andreas Kapferer, Deloitte
- Felicitas Kohler, Planlicht
- Mario Morandell, Morandell
- Susanne Neuhauser, Idealtours GmbH
- Manfred Pletzer, Pletzer Group
- Martha Schultz, Schultz Group
- Wolfgang Sief, SIKO GmbH
- Andrea Speckbacher, Eurogast