Teaching Award

Excellent teaching is an essential building block for the quality of a university. The MCI University Council therefore presents an annual Teaching Award in recognition of outstanding achievements in teaching. Teachers are nominated on the basis of course evaluations by students at the MCI. Among other things, the professional competence of the lecturer, the methods used and the didactics of teaching as well as the relevance and implementation possibilities of the content taught are evaluated.

The Teaching Award 2017 goes to the following three lecturers at the MCI:

  • Mag. Regina Obexer, M.Ed.university lecturer and e-learning expert
  • Univ.-Prof. FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz PeggerProfessorand Head of the Academic Council
  • Lic. José Luis Fernández VallsSpanish lecturer

The students praised all three lecturers in particular for their pronounced commitment, their ability to inspire enthusiasm for the respective topic, as well as the very good structuring and the comprehensible and transparent presentation of the contents.

The decision on the award winners was made by the university council on the basis of the three teachers who were rated best by the students. The nomination is made automatically on the basis of the course evaluation and includes all degree programmes and courses within an academic year.

FH Prof. Dr. Claudia Mössenlechner, deputy head of the MCI University College, is proud of the quality of teaching at the MCI: "The Teaching Award of the University College is an expression of our recognition for the outstanding teaching performance of our faculty. The annual award aims to promote excellent teaching that sets impulses for the future and makes a contribution to the further development of the university, our students and society"