Südtiroler Wirtschaftsforum: Exzellenz, Innovation & „Full House“

Under the motto "Excellence & Innovation - Challenges for tomorrow's smart companies", more than 400 high-ranking participants met again this year for the 14th South Tyrolean Business Forum at the Forum Brixen. In addition to the international programme with high-ranking speakers and future-oriented topics, the event offered unique opportunities to establish and maintain contacts with decision-makers from Italy, Germany and Austria. After the welcome by the South Tyrolean Governor Arno Kompatscher, speakers from all over the world provided an exciting programme:

Speakers and organisers agree: overcoming borders, both geographically and in the minds, as well as constant innovation are the only things that keep companies successful in the long run. To achieve this, excellence must cut across different areas:

  • The first European Council President, previously also Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy, offered insight into European strategies, decision-making processes and programmes of action.
  • Dominik Schiener, a native of South Tyrol and successful young entrepreneur, opened up the fascinating world of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.
  • A major topic also concerned Generation Y in the labour market. Federica Fasoli, Head of Human Resources at Siemens Southern Europe with around 8,000 employees, explained basic principles of successful leadership with comprehensive suggestions on how to deal with employees so that they can develop their potential.
  • Markus Tomaschitz, Global Vice President Human Resources of the technology company AVL List GmbH, responsible for 10,000 employees, sees the topic of personnel recruitment, retention and leadership as the most important management task par excellence.
  • Andreas König, internationally active IT manager, start-up investor and until recently CEO of the global technology company TeamViewer, convinced the audience with his comprehensive expertise on cloud-based technologies and the great opportunities of digitalisation.

The annual South Tyrolean Business Forum has become the leading business conference and high-level international meeting place in South Tyrol and is organised in partnership by the Entrepreneurs' Association of South Tyrol, the South Tyrolean Business Newspaper, the publisher Business Bestseller, Südstern, the network of South Tyroleans abroad and MCI.

Save the Date:

South Tyrolean Business Forum 2019 Friday, 29 March 2019, Forum Brixen