Spannende Impulse beim 3. Forum Family Business am MCI

For the third time, the MCI and its Centre for Family Business (ZFU) recently hosted the "Forum Family Business" to promote exchange between business and academia through creative dialogue. Change of perspective, innovation and professionalisation are at the forefront of this exemplary meeting of family entrepreneurs, professors and students, which was organised in cooperation with the MCI Departments of Business & Management and Tourism.

In the format of a World Café, around 60 students worked together with the entrepreneurs on typical issues for family businesses. Topics such as business management, internationalisation, succession, innovation, growth, dealing with conflicts, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour were discussed. Both sides particularly appreciated the change of perspective between entrepreneurial and academic viewpoints, which opened up new opportunities, as well as the diversity of the approaches and proposed solutions.

Entrepreneur Manfred Pletzer puts it in a nutshell: "It is beneficial and refreshing to be confronted with the students' unbiased perspective. This change of perspective alone provides us entrepreneurs with impulses and new ways of thinking. I went home with many good ideas."

"At MCI, we are particularly concerned with bringing university and business together and creating a win-win situation for everyone involved. The students benefit immensely from the insights into practice and the openness of the entrepreneurs," emphasises Anita Zehrer, Head of the Centre for Family Business.

The MCI would like to thank the following entrepreneurs for their participation:

  • Claudia Berghofer, Adler Lacke
  • Mario Gerber, Gerber Hotels
  • Elisabeth Hauser, Hotel Stanglwirt
  • Christine Maier, Arnold Digital Printing
  • Simon Meinschad, Hollu Hygienehandel GmbH
  • Susanne Neuhauser, Idealtours GmbH
  • Manfred Pletzer, Pletzer Group
  • Wolfgang Sief, SIKO GmbH
  • Andrea Speckbacher, Eurogast
  • Gerhard Stocker, Stasto