Raiffeisen honours MCI students

As a long-standing partner and sponsor of the MCI Entrepreneurial School®, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG values academic education as a significant social asset and central resource for personal development as well as for corporate and location development. As part of the synergetic cooperation between the two institutions, the annual Raiffeisen Awards were recently presented at the MCI in the presence of Gabriele Zimmermann, Raiffeisen Communications, and Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector.

Raiffeisen Award for Professionals

Arno Sattler from South Tyrol was chosen as the winner of the Raiffeisen Award for Professionals in a multi-stage process. The jury was particularly impressed by the high level of commitment, consistency and flexibility of the political and administrative scientist, who has been able to familiarise himself with numerous areas of business management through learning by doing and ongoing further training and is fluent in several languages. With the help of the scholarship, Arno Sattler will complete the certificate course "Management, Psychology & Leadership".

Raiffeisen Awards for Students

The Student Awards support MCI students in financing their semesters abroad. This year they go to Maximilian Nißlein and Melanie Prieler, both of whom have distinguished themselves through an exceptional track record in their studies to date and committed goals with regard to their future plans.

  • Maximilian Nißlein, Master's in Biotechnology, will spend his semester abroad at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education in Mexico. This university was chosen in particular because of the high quality of publications and the long tradition in biotechnological research. In addition, Mr. Nißlein would like to further improve his Spanish skills during his stay abroad through contact with locals. For the future, Maximilian Nißlein aspires to a career as an entrepreneur in order to make use of his biotechnology education.
  • Melanie Prieler, Bachelor of Social Work, is heading to Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia for her semester abroad. This university was chosen in particular because of the desire to get to know social work from a different point of view, to interact with people on the ground, to exchange ideas about career aspirations and perspectives, and to gain new impulses for a professional self-image and a critically reflexive human rights profession. For her professional future, Melanie Prieler has a firm plan to get involved in refugee social work.

Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol and the Entrepreneurial University® congratulate the award winners and wish them every success in achieving their study and career goals.