MCI und TU Graz kooperieren bei Doktoratsstudium

The Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) have good news to report. A cooperation agreement between the two universities has just been concluded, enabling the pooling of scientific competences, an intensification of cooperation in research and development, the intensified initiation of joint projects, the establishment of joint research groups and the cooperative supervision of doctoral students.

Young researchers from the technical and natural science departments at the MCI in particular will benefit from the cooperation, as they will be able to apply for admission to the doctoral programme at one of the doctoral schools at Graz University of Technology from autumn 2018, with the doctoral students being supervised cooperatively by both universities. This means that the research activities serving the dissertation can largely be embedded in the research operations at the MCI.

The focus is on industry and business-related research projects. For the assessment of the dissertation, at least one external, preferably international, expert opinion is obtained in addition to the assessment by Graz University of Technology and the MCI.

Through networking and close cooperation, the respective strengths and fields of competence of TU Graz and MCI are synergistically linked. Last but not least, the business, technology and university locations of Tyrol and Styria and the companies located here will benefit from this cooperation.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Tilg, Regional Science Councillor in Tyrol, welcomes the cooperation: "The MCI has developed into an indispensable academic education and research institution that creates enormous added value for the education, science and ultimately also the business location. I am pleased that synergies can be created beyond the national borders with one of the best technical universities in the German-speaking region."

For MCI Rector Dr. Andreas Altmann, the cooperation is a logical consequence of the work done so far: "In recent years we have invested considerable resources in expanding the technical and natural science departments, which are highly relevant for science and business. The doctoral cooperation with Graz University of Technology creates further opportunities for our committed young researchers and enables their further academic development while maintaining the location-specific requirements."

The Rector of TU Graz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Kainz, has known the MCI since the time of its founding: "The MCI and TU Graz share a distinct entrepreneurial attitude. With this cooperation agreement and the expansion of our research collaboration in the technical and scientific fields, we are strengthening the transfer of know-how along the East-West axis and thus our two business, technology and university locations.