MCI Professorship to Yeongmi Kim

In recognition of her outstanding achievements in research, teaching and development of the university location, combined with an exemplary translation of research achievements into teaching, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) recently awarded FH Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhD, the title of Professor.

After a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical & Information Engineering and a Master's degree in Mechatronics, Yeongmi Kim completed her PhD studies in Mechatronics at the School of Information and Mechatronics at GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) in South Korea. Several years of research stays took her to ETH Zurich and the University of Sheffield. Since 2015, she has been a faculty member for control and medical engineering in the MCI's Mechatronics Department.

Yeongmi Kim is characterised by her outstanding commitment, which is not least visible in her numerous prizes, scholarships and conference contributions. Her extensive publication activity shows that one theme runs like a thread through her research activities: The development of electronic assistance systems that support people with physical impairments, whether in everyday life, such as an "electronic cane for the blind", or in rehabilitation after serious illnesses. In her successful inaugural lecture "Sensory motor rehabilitation for restoring hand function after stroke", she dealt with how the sensory and motor hand functions of patients can be restored as best as possible after a stroke with the support of electronic devices. Some of Yeongmi Kim's developments have already been successfully tested in practice. For example, several devices are being used in therapeutic aftercare at the regional hospital in Hochzirl, a Tirol Kliniken facility specialising in the acute aftercare of patients with damage to the central and peripheral nervous system.

With her research expertise, Yeongmi Kim is absolutely in line with the Unternehmerische Hochschule®, which sees its research mission in developing concrete applicable problem solutions for business and society. Moreover, Yeongmi Kim succeeds in a special way in transferring her research work into her teaching activities.

In the presence of family, friends, colleagues and students, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann, together with the Chairman of the University Board, Univ.-Prof. FH-Prof. Dr. Franz Pegger, and the Head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Andreas Mehrle, presented the certificate of appointment.