MCI leads the way in internationality

The Entrepreneurial University© is one of the most international universities in Europe. Students from 50 nations, professors and lecturers from 36 countries, 250 partner universities all over the world, 11 degree programmes in English, 16 double and joint degree programmes and many other features form an impressive testimony to the worldwide networking and orientation. The high mobility of MCI students is also impressive. The key figure for student mobility in relation to the total number of students is 35% with more than 3,000 students. This means that during one year more than one third of all MCI students - i.e. more than 1,000 students - spend part of their studies abroad or come to the MCI from a study abroad programme. This is an absolute record, considering that the average duration of studies is around 2.5 years (3 years Bachelor, 2 years Master) and thus a very high proportion of MCI students gain experience abroad.

MCI students benefit in particular from stays abroad at renowned partner universities on all continents integrated into the curriculum. These not only promote in-depth study of the content, but also in particular the acquisition of intercultural skills and the development of global relationships.

Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of the International Office at the MCI, has been accompanying the international activities of the students for many years: "What we are able to give our students during their time at the MCI is based not only on excellent professional competence, but above all on sustainable networks throughout their lives. I am pleased that more and more students are taking advantage of our offers." Rector Andreas Altmann adds: "Internationality is a supporting pillar of the Entrepreneurial University®. We owe it to our students to prepare them for the global opportunities and challenges. This is not least for the good of the local economy and society."