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Afternoon Book Club/B2.1 Literaturkurs Englisch 2023
Do you love to read? Do you like chatting about what you're reading now? Come join our English book club! Each week, we'll read a different short story or excerpt from a novel. The primary focus will be discussion - your thoughts, opinions, and responses. Our meetings will also include a short explanation of various grammar and vocabulary points. We'll read classics by authors like Jane Austen, and along the way, you'll practise reading, writing, and speaking in English.
Mo 25.09.2023
16:00 - 17:40 Uhr
100 min
VHS-Haus; 2. Stock, Raum 4
Mo 02.10.2023
16:00 - 17:40 Uhr
100 min
VHS-Haus; 2. Stock, Raum 4
Mo 09.10.2023
16:00 - 17:40 Uhr
100 min
VHS-Haus; 2. Stock, Raum 4
Mo 16.10.2023
16:00 - 17:40 Uhr
100 min
VHS-Haus; 2. Stock, Raum 4
Mo 23.10.2023
16:00 - 17:40 Uhr
100 min
VHS-Haus; 2. Stock, Raum 4
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Bildrechte: (C) VHS Tirol
Kategorien: Events
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