A Nerd Compilation 2023
Gastspiel: Nicola Virdis
In few words, it's a easy and funny show about the 80s, no words at all. The audience will guide the show, choose one box at a time and thus build the show's lineup.
*written by Nicola Virdis, Bruno Furnari and Gigi Saronni, directed by Bruno Furnari
Virdis brings to the stage a whirlwind of gags and comic situations that
involve and entertain the public. A very original show that is never the
same: in fact it is the audience who helps and guide the Nerd in the
construction of the sequence of the gags and together with him, on the spot, build the performance "lineup".
With his incredible comedy, Virdis will propose scenic actions, musical
games and surreal finds using strictly 80s objects and situations,
making the public understand a very original concept:
"If you know how to lose you’ve already won!”
15 €
10€ for Kids under 10 years
Chips Act https://youtu.be/o3ZoaIHQ6kc
Rings Juggling Act https://youtu.be/aZQMrNZrbeg
Bild von der Veranstaltung

Bildrechte: (C) Bogentheater
Kategorien: Events
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Ursprung des Posts: https://www.bogentheater.at/spielplan/alle/283/1014/a-nerd-compilation
Link zum Teilen: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/a-nerd-compilation-2023/