Warum einen Antrag auf Studienbeihilfe stellen?

Because it's about money and because this is the only way your legal entitlement can be checked! It is currently noticeable that students are only applying for a study grant in the summer semester 2022, although they would have been entitled to the maximum study grant since the winter semester 2021! Hence the tip - submit an application in any case! The study grant is expected to be increased from the winter semester 2022 - due to an amendment to the StudFG. How can the application be submitted? The application can be submitted "online" - you will need a mobile phone signature, but you can also submit it to us as a form application - you can find the forms at www.stipendium. filling out the application is not rocket science, takes a maximum of 5 minutes and if you have any questions, the team at the Innsbruck Scholarship Office will be happy to help you - by email at Stip.Ibk@stbh.gv.at -by phone on 0512/ 57 33 70 DW 10 or - in person, by prior appointment. Application deadline for SS 2022? The application deadline for SS 2022 this year is 16 May 2022, as 15 May 2022 is a Sunday. ------------------- Daniel V. Müller, Lukas Schobesberger, Anna-Maria Weiß