Good news for MCI spin-off IonOXess

A groundbreaking development by MCI spin-off IonOXess was recently honoured at the Tyrolean Innovation Award ceremony. The "PlaMaGrowth" concept, a process optimised for industry for treating seeds and plants with plasma-activated water, was shortlisted due to its outstanding innovation potential and ultimately ranked among the top 3 in the category "Concepts with Innovation Potential". The evaluation was carried out with the help of a proven catalogue of criteria, which included, for example, degree of novelty, market potential, customer benefits. The prize was announced by the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce; the award ceremony took place at a ceremony at the MedEL company.

The high-tech company IonOXess emerged in 2012 from a research project at the MCI and today deals with innovative water treatment processes based on plasma technology. As a university-affiliated company, it stands for the close interlinking of science, research and business. In the PlaMAGrowth process developed by IonOXess, plasma-activated water promotes seed germination and can accelerate plant growth by up to 60 % without the use of non-organic fertiliser, as well as preventing unwanted fungal and bacterial growth on seeds and plants. It also improves resistance to drought as well as to high humidity.

It has been known for some time that plasma-activated water can promote plant growth, but until now it could only be produced in small quantities. The IonOXess process is based on the latest industry-optimised process technology and could become a real alternative to fertilisers and chemical pesticides in the future. By means of a strong electric field and a specially developed catalyst, a cold plasma consisting of ions, UV radiation and sterilising molecules is generated, which can be introduced into irrigation water.

Thomas Obholzer, Managing Director of IonOXess, is pleased about the award: "Our process picks up on known mechanisms of action and integrates them into state-of-the-art process technology so that the development will be available to as many users as possible in the future."

Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector, emphasises: "As an Entrepreneurial University® we support innovative ideas and solution-oriented concepts from staff and students. Last but not least, we see our mission in strengthening our location in economic terms and contributing to improving the quality of life."